Get Your Member Discount at En To Tre!
We're already working on some great ideas here at the H.Q. and the one I'm really excited about is that this year all members can get a 15% discount on the Norwegian Buffet at En To Tre, the finest dining experience at Norsk Høstfest!
Let me tell you, the food is amazing and restaurant is like an oasis of calm in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of Norsk Høstfest. I've eaten there a number of times and I've never had a better Norwegian meal! The chef, Willy Hansen is a real culinary genius who truly cares about the dining experience--which is probably why he can often be found mingling with diners during the meal, making sure they are having an exquisite time!
Combine the awesome experience with the discount and I guarantee you will have one of the most memorable Norsk Høstfest experiences imaginable!
Pot v. Kettle: Mental issues prevalent at PJAZ cult
AZU loves to blast their targets for "having mental issues." Mental illness is a serious issue, and people with it endure many hardships in this country. That being said, should the PJAZ cult mock another person's struggles with mental illness? After all, they have admitted to it themselves over the years on their own website.
See, for example, the February 7, 2010 feature article at the Corrupted-Justice website:
Should these people be Internet Cops?
Almost five years ago, we published an article entitled "Is the perverted-justice jury biased?". In the article, we provided a list of quotes from postings written by the members and staff at The purpose of the article was to raise awareness regarding issues of drug use and the psychological and mental stability issues prevalent among the volunteers at perverted-justice who were acting as self-appointed cops, judges and juries of those they targeted.
It has always been our firm belief that anyone involved in any pursuit that has the potential to have a lasting negative impact on someone else's life must be held to a higher standard of accountability and trustworthiness. Police undergo rigorous psychological testing, training and continuous counselling to ensure they are fit for the duties we, as citizens, request of them. Drug use is not tolerated, and thorough, professional treatment and counselling is mandatory for those who find themselves in need. Under such circumstances, a police officer would certainly be temporarily suspended from duties that required trust and public confidence.
As with the article five years ago, the point of this article is not to "show how crazy PJers are" or anything of the sort. Our intention is not to mock or identify anyone who suffers from mental disorders or who has suffered abuse. We are very much aware that many people who have been diagnosed with mental illness or have suffered abuse go on to lead productive, fulfilling lives. Rather, the point of this article is to ask the question:
"Given the circumstances, is it likely that these people, people who could potentially ruin someone's life, have the ability to make fair, impartial, error-free judgements regarding those they target?"
I need help but I'm afraid
So after my hospitalization I was put on meds and feel so so much better. I have to follow up with a psych but i don't want to. Its not that i don't want to it's that i cant I somehow feel weak and vulnerable if i follow up. I work in a business where on the outside I have to always seem perfect and put together even if i'm falling apart on the inside.
After seeing so many family members hospitalized for mental illnesses and me always being the strong and put together one I don't know how to ask for and get help.
But i know if i don't i'll crack again and i was refered to one of the best ones around but i don't know how to get myself their
well, comming from an addict/alcoholic, which I am in recovery....I had to hit a bottom before I got better. So yea, I still think those who cant keep it straight should have consequence for those actions such as drug testing or rent. At least when it comes to getting assistance like this. If I could live off anything for free, and had no consequences or accountability, i wonder if I would have EVER gotten sober. I dnno, thats just me. But im just a peanut gallery.
I have also been on many different SSRI's for it, from paxil to prozac, zoloft to effexor and many others. Effexor was the worst, and most heavy duty. The rest didn't really affect me.
Sun Wukong:
After years of trying to convince doctors, as well as my parents on whose insurance I depend, that I have some serious anxiety issues, I managed to finally have an anti-depressant/anxiety drug prescribed to me. It's a typical Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor (SSRI) called Lexapro. I've struggled with ADD all of my life, and many of my issues with productivity and self esteem were attributed to that. The decision to do this came when I described the anxiety to my father, who is also taking Lexapro. My description of the anxiety-a constant, unbound existential fear of absolutely nothing that makes me terrified to do my work or stuff I want to do on the side-was exactly what he had been feeling, and it was evident that it's been getting worse. I can't sleep, and it takes excruciating mental energy to set out to do even the most modest task. I frequently panic when little things go wrong.
Seren of Dipity:
I was on lexapro for depression and anxiety-- it worked really well. I had been on wellbutrin (before my anxiety had been diagnosed) and it was horrific. I began cutting and realized that the meds weren't helping me. Quit them and got on lexapro.
I was on Prozac, Adderall and Clonazepam for depression, PTSD and anxiety. I didn't like the way the cocktail made me feel so I went to a different therapist and she diagnosed me as Bipolar. All the symptoms made a lot more sense after that Dx. I now take Depakote ER and a very LOW dose of clonazepam (mostly at work when my menopausal boss raises my thermostat) and its been a miracle. I used to never speak my mind, bottle it up and then if a dishrag was out of place BOOM i exploded. Now, I can say what I think, concentrate better and deal with things. If your diagnosed w/ both depression and ADD, ask your shrink about Bipolar disorder. I'm not a shrink, nor am I questioning anyone elses, but DAMN did it make a difference for me!
Juana Montoya:
My biggest problem at the moment is a lack of motivation, which I'm sure stems from depression. It's not just related to school and work; it extends to everything in my life, whether it's making a phone call, paying bills, cleaning my house, and some days, even getting out of bed. I feel completely unmotivated to do anything, and it's affecting all parts of my life.
I'm just wondering if anyone else suffers from this, and if so, what mechanisms you use to deal with it.
I have had most of these feelings at some point. Depression, SERIOUS TRUST ISSUES, thoughts of suicide, panic attacks, self esteem, need for acceptance, etc. etc. The biggest is trust. There are very few people I truly trust, they are some members of my immediate family and one friend. I still don't totally trust even my husband. It's very hard for me. Not that he has done anything wrong, its just a very big issue in our marriage.
I have finally started going to therapy to try and help myself. I have been diagnosed with Depression w/suicidal tendencies and PTSD. My husband is divorcing me because I have put him through a lot and he doesn't want to deal with it anymore. He knew about the abuse before we were married but he didn't realize what I would go through when I started dealing with the abuse. I am afraid of losing my children because of the suicide attempts. Even though I never attempted them when they were around.
Those were just a select few. I highlighted a few spots in red because one site that attacks me loves to claim I "have mental illness, violent urges, and cuts himself." I don't question they have mental issues. I pity them. But what benefit do they get from mocking someone else's struggles when they clearly admit to their own struggles with mental illness? That is a major problem with the Perverted Justice/ Absolute Zero United cult.
And their recent cheerleader TSand also had mentioned his struggles with mental illness:
"I'm unusally stable if I take my meds daily but occasionally slip up and miss a pill(s) now and then. Blame the State of Florida for that."
Imagine that, Clay Keys mocking someone else and saying they need their meds while he also admits to having mental issues!
In answer to CJ's question, Given the circumstances, is it likely that these people, people who could potentially ruin someone's life, have the ability to make fair, impartial, error-free judgements regarding those they target? , the answer is a resounding NO. It does not take a licensed psychologist to see that PJ/AZ is merely exacerbating the serious and largely unresolved mental issues plaguing their members.
Summertime and the livin’ is easy

Here on the prairie we get a lot more daylight than we did for the decade and a half we lived in the east. Our little city is close to the Mountain Time Zone line so it stays light pretty darn late. After returning from a weekend trip to Des Moines for my new niece’s baptism, hubbie and I could walk and see where we were going, even though it was close to 10 p.m.
When I was a teenager in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, I could ride my bike downtown to the locks and hang out with my friends. Curfew was ten p.m. because it didn’t get dark until then in that northernmost corner of my world.
On our drive back this weekend, younger son Andrew asked if he had a curfew. His father told him he’d have one when he started driving.

Somewhere down the line, I’ve morphed from needing a curfew to not being able to stay up past curfew. Six months into fifty (and more than 20 pounds lighter, thank you Kearney YMCA!), I’ve adjusted well to this new decade but still have trouble processing I’m closer to a grandmother’s age than a new mother’s age.
As I awkwardly held my beautiful niece, Reese, at the outdoor church service on Sunday, I flashed back to the baptism of my two children. Erik was baptized on a snowy February Flagstaff day. Fittingly, Andrew was baptized barefoot at barely a month old in Morgantown, West Virginia. The wonderful late Hank Brown baptized that second baby, and I can still tell you (even though Andrew turns 15 in August) what I weighed that day…let’s just say I coulda gone12 rounds with George Foreman!
Confession time: I don’t feel fifty. I vividly recall my mother turning to me in church on Christmas Eve the year she was fifty and telling me she still felt the same inside as she did when she was younger…just time was marching on.

My father, now deceased, threw himself a pig roast at fifty. Before I hit that ‘magic’ number this past December, I went back and looked at pictures of him at that party. He looked older than I think I do. Or maybe we just always think our parents are older than they are…until we reach their age. I did inherit my gray from my dad and his side of the family. My brother Steve, five years younger than me, reminds me of my father…his good qualities, not his bad or sad ones.
Growing up , I always thought fall was my favorite season. No more do I think that.
And sometimes…
Holding Pattern

Sometimes there’s no holding on or letting go, just holding.
A holding pattern is just that…a stasis that won’t let you move forward or backward. The flow of life stops until it doesn’t.
When that moment comes, good or bad, evil or well-intentioned, life goes on.
As young marrieds we called it ‘wait and see.’
We loathed ‘wait and see.’
Later, we’d repeat the phrase to our children as the answer to any number of questions: “Can I go to so and so’s house?” “Can we get X, Y or Z?” “Will there be a happy ending?” And the list goes on.
My husband’s favorite expression is “Proceed as the way opens.”
His, and my, least favorite?
Wait and see.
Hilsen fra Skogfjorden
The program enjoys a high return rate year after year and the staff encourages youth to participate for ten summers, or gå for ti! In the summer of 2009, 10 participants earned their 10-year awards, thanks, no doubt, to generous support in the form of Sons of Norway scholarships to many Skogfjorden families.
So what’s happening at Skogfjorden this summer? Plenty! In 2010, special emphasis will be devoted to three topics: music, peace studies and folkehøgskoler (folk high schools). Students who spend four weeks at Skogfjorden, earning a year of high school language credit, will be studying the themes of oil and energy. Finally, the staff will give special emphasis to the life and work of Bjørnsterne Bjørnsen, who also is celebrated throughout Norway this year. Of course, at the heart of all the programming is the Norwegian language immersion experience.
Check out this fun video of Skogfjorden staff member Hans Erik with two day-camp participants.

Today we're gonna party like it's nitten nittini!
Don't mind if I do!
Greetings from the District 1 Convention!
It's an exciting time for Sons of Norway because this is when members come together to participate in the governance of our beloved organization. At each district convention decisions are made that will potentially affect thousands of members within the district, or tens of thousands if the decision is passed on to the International Convention in August. What I'm trying to say is that this is a REALLY BIG DEAL for us!

Speaking of which, if you're interested in learning more about what this all is leading up to, check out the Sons of Norway International Convention website at
That's all for now--hope to see you later today in Rochester!
Home is where the heart is

Home is where the heart is…and the heart is a travelin’ thing.
Earlier this week, my husband and I returned from our sojourn from the prairie to the Appalachians. I went back to the best little writers’ conference around, the West Virginia Writers, Inc. annual conference held in the southeastern portion of that state at Cedar Lakes.
My husband met his friend Matt, a Lutheran minister, when we arrived and they motorcycled on the Blue Ridge Parkway to Cherokee, North Carolina. They met up with other friends in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
In just over three weeks my husband has gone nearly 5500 miles, via car and motorcycle. From Salt Lake City to Dolly Parton’s domain, my spouse has already covered enough miles to have criss-crossed the country, from San Diego to Jacksonville, Florida.
My journey was shorter in distance but longer emotionally. This was my 8th summer at Cedar Lakes Conference Center, near Ripley, WV. I’ve written before how my friend, the late Mary Rodd Furbee, persuaded me to go with her that first time. When my husband and I crossed the Ohio River just last week, I was transported back to the return trip Mary and I made that first summer. We were chatting so much about exciting writing projects that we took a wrong turn somewhere and came upon that very same bridge. She and I made it home, but her time there was so short it makes me ache all over again for her and her loved ones.
The final night of the conference was bittersweet. Another friend who died too young this spring was honored for her writing. I wept and sniffled into my napkin.
Earlier that evening my eldest son, Erik, was awarded an honorable mention for a short story in the annual contest the organization sponsors every year. This is the child who professed for years not to like to write... until this year when the ‘bug’ hit him, and he has amazed me with his output and his burgeoning talent.
The time spent with old and new friends slipped by too quickly, especially since my night owl habits have flown the coop. Is that mixing my bird metaphors? Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.
On the way home, we briefly saw Erik, his adorable girlfriend, Morgan, and his friend Alex, an amazing artist who just finished his freshman year at Rhode Island School of Design. Erik is in Morgantown this summer spending time with Morgan and his friends, doing an internship at the WVU Press, and taking an on-line summer school class. It was strange to say goodbye to him in a Bob Evans in Parkersburg, WV. But he’ll be home in August, and West Virginia is not northern Germany.
And it was time to get home to Andrew and my mom, who got along swimmingly until the day we were due home. “I think we’re getting on each other’s nerves,” he told me.
Dorothy Gale intones my favorite movie line of all time when she lands smack dab back in Kansas: “There’s no place like home,” she tells the confused loved ones gathered around her now sepia-toned bedroom.
But here’s the thing about home. You can carry a little piece of your loved ones around in your heart, no matter where you lay your head.
Andreas Viestad
I've gotten a couple questions from folks looking for more info on Andreas. Unfortunately there wasn't a lot of room in the Q & A for biographical info, because we really wanted to devote as much space to his answers as possible, but I've found another blog post over at that helps a bit. Enjoy!
Last day of school recap!
Summer has been in full swing here and we've been having such a great time. Before the great time, however, we were getting rained out of pretty much everything. Let's start with Tom's last day of school, when I had volunteered to help with their field day: rain, rain, rain.
First off, I should say how much Thomas has loved Westside. We were a little bit (okay, a lot!) nervous about switching schools-- our school in Logan was so wonderful and I had a hard time imagining that we could like another school even half as well. While there are still a lot of things that I miss about EBLS, Westside has exceeded my expectations. Tom had a darling, energetic teacher, made lots of new friends, and most importantly, really loved going to school every day. And, I must brag for a minute, he did end the year with straight A's! ;)
Attack of the Marlboro Man
Get it? See what I did there? Oh never mind.
Well, these turns of events have sparked something even larger than the U.S. Tobacco cases of the late 90's. Apparently Phillip Morris, maker of the popular Marlboro cigarette, is fighting back.
By suing Norway.
According to this article, Phillip Morris contends that the ban is unfair to consumers because they can’t see all of the available products, it restricts competition and contravenes Article 11 of the EEA agreement by limiting free movement of goods within the area.
As en ex-smoker I have mixed feelings about this whole situation, which I'll gladly keep to myself, however I am curious to see what the result it.
Any readers have a thought on the matter or want to speak out for either side? It's what the comment link is for!
More Laus for the Masses!
About independent crime blogs
Oh yeah, there was that one time....
When the news is wrong, they are held liable. Independent news blogs should be held to the same standard, but yet they lack journalistic integrity. I feel for the city of Greenville. After all, you have to put up with a "Zionist anti-communist" who thinks this site is a front for the Red Army. I'm no fan of independent crime blogs. It reminds me of this:

Celebrate St. Hansaften
Midsummer is soon here. I know this—even without the aid of a calendar—because it’s hard to get enough sleep these days. The sun sets later each evening, and my room-darkening shades and Sleepytime tea just aren’t enough to trick my body into getting tired when I should. Do I sound like I’m grumbling? I don’t mean to. I love this time of year, when, despite our schedules, to-do lists and best intentions, we are humbled by the forces of nature. I’m reminded of a favorite song, “Vi Skal Ikkje Sove,” by Auslaug Lygre and Geirr Tveitt:
Vi skal ikkje sova bort sumarnatta,
ho er for ljos til det.
Då skal vi vandra isaman ute,
under dei lauvtunge tre.
We won’t sleep away the summer night,
it’s too light for that.
We’ll wander instead together
under the trees, heavy with leaves.

In North America, many Sons of Norway lodges and communities host midsummer celebrations. Check Sons of Norway event listings or your local community calendars to find a celebration new you. Or plan your own midsummer gathering with family or friends using the recipes in our “Celebrate Summer” feature, found in the June issue of Viking. Skål!

Bonfire photo by Doug Bratland
{Almost} Summer!
Before summer kicks off, though, a lovely Memorial Day weekend, a couple of graduations, and a visit from Nonny and Bob. I didn't take any pictures over the Memorial Day holiday-- we went to Salt Lake City to visit Gramm & Gramp, and Marilyn has a fabulous new camera that was much more fun to play with than my own. I'm sure she'll post some pictures of our adventures soon. We had a great time!
Gordon is all ready for kindergarten in the fall. He had his immunizations (a fun-filled experience that included two screaming kids, and embarrassed mother and a very calm, very strong nurse), he is registered at the school, and he passed all of his numbers, letters, and other pre-requisites with flying colors. Now all he had to do was graduate from pre-school! The graduation/singing performance was last week and, in true pre-school form, it was adorable. The kids sang several songs and I loved watching Gordon on the top row, singing his little heart out and following along with the actions in his bold, energetic style.
Gordon has had a great year at Smart Start. His teacher, Mrs. Taft, has been wonderful and he really looked forward to every day at school. We'll miss his cute teacher and all of her creative energy!
My mom gave Gordon $1.00 as a graduation present. I love that when you're in pre-school, getting a dollar is not only satisfactory, it's thrilling!
My youngest sister, Allison, also graduated this last week-- but her graduation was from high school. I'll admit it: the best part of her graduation was the fact that my grandparents, Nonny and Bob, came to visit for the occasion! They've been out of the country since the end of last summer, so it was very sweet to see them and catch up. Gordon, Neil and I had the pleasure of spending Tuesday afternoon with Nonny and Bob, eating lunch at the Olive Garden (have you tried the roasted chicken flatbread? Yum!), then visiting the Museum of Idaho. The museum has a fun dog-themed exhibit-- "Wolf to Woof"-- and our animal-lover Gordon was in heaven. (Neil stayed contentedly in his stroller.)
Nonny and Bob are such good sports and crawled around with the kids in the children's area. Gordon is still carrying the tickets, illustrated with different dog pictures, in his special tote!
Graduations are always a cause to celebrate and I think Allison was especially thrilled to be finished with high school. We enjoyed a family dinner at Allison's choice, Red Robin, then I went with my parents and grandparents to the graduation ceremony. It was long-ish, the benches were uncomfortable, and the seniors were a little on the unruly side, but finally, diplomas were awarded and the class of 2010 was on their way into the real world-- after a stop at an all-night party, of course.
My sister, Ann-Michelle, me, and Allison (yes, she has blue streaks in her hair) at Red Robin
The graduation attendees-- me, Nonny, Mom, Allison, Dad, Bob
Allison, the happy grad! She'll be going off to college at the end of August and my parents are going to have a very empty house.
International Director Awarded King's Medal of Merit
At a special ceremony in Oslo last Thursday, County Governor Hans J. Røsjorde presented Ernst with the medal and a personal citation and greeting signed by King Harald V. As tradition dictates, Ernst and his wife will also go to the Royal Palace in Olso to thank the King in person for the great honor.
We at Sons of Norway are all very proud of Ernst and his accomplishments. In a recommendation that was sent last year from Sons of Norway CEO, Eivind Heiberg, said "I have had the distinguished pleasure of getting to know Ernst as he has taken on various leadership roles in Sons of Norway. Ernst has a level of energy and enthusiasm that is second to none when it comes to strengthening ties between Norway and the United States. He has worked tirelessly on behalf of Sons of Norway and has always been engaging and positive when given the chance to promote our international organization."

Sons of Norway International Director Ernst Granly is shown here being decorated with The King’s Medal, by The King’s representative County Governor Hans J. Røsjorde.

Ernst Granly (Center) celebrating after the medal ceremony with the Mayor of Eidsvoll Terje Teslo, County Governor Hans J. Røsjorde, District President Ole Hillestad, and Mayor of Ullensaker Harald Espelund.