Last day of school recap!

Blogging is a lot like laundry-- the longer you let it go without doing it, the harder it is to do!  So, here I am, catching up again!  Grr!

Summer has been in full swing here and we've been having such a great time.  Before the great time, however, we were getting rained out of pretty much everything.  Let's start with Tom's last day of school, when I had volunteered to help with their field day:  rain, rain, rain.

First off, I should say how much Thomas has loved Westside.  We were a little bit (okay, a lot!) nervous about switching schools-- our school in Logan was so wonderful and I had a hard time imagining that we could like another school even half as well.  While there are still a lot of things that I miss about EBLS, Westside has exceeded my expectations.  Tom had a darling, energetic teacher, made lots of new friends, and most importantly, really loved going to school every day.  And, I must brag for a minute, he did end the year with straight A's!  ;)

On the last day of school, the field day was rained out and moved inside.  We still managed to have a great time, though.  My favorite parts of the day included playing a game with the kids that involved holding hands and getting a hula-hoop around the circle of kids, the absolute hilarity of "Extreme Simon Says", and hearing the whole elementary school sing along to "Fireflies" during the end-of-year slideshow.  

Thomas was a little bit emotional, but I promised that we'll meet up with some of his friends this summer and we'll see them all next school year.  He'll definitely miss his cute teacher, Mrs. Cassidy, but I'm sure they'll say "hi" in the halls.  He had a great 3rd grade year!

For the last day of school, Chris had promised the boys that they could sleep out in the tent in the back yard.  The rain was too heavy, but the boys were sad not to sleep in a tent, so Chris compromised and set the tent up in my parents' large shop.  We had an indoor BBQ with hot dogs and hamburgers cooked on the George Foreman grill, and s'mores made with marshmallows roasted on the stove top.  

The kids and Chris were really comfortable in their indoor tent-- they actually slept in pretty late!  What a great way to kick off the summer!