Hilsen fra Skogfjorden

I’m writing from Skogfjorden, Concordia College’s Norwegian Language Village, near Bemidji, Minnesota. I enjoyed working as a counselor at Skofjorden throughout my college years, and it’s been a huge treat to return for a stint as an alumi staff member the past two summers. It’s particularly satisfying to be here with my son and daughter, ages 9 and 11, and to watch them enjoy many of the same experiences that I did as a child at the language village.

The program enjoys a high return rate year after year and the staff encourages youth to participate for ten summers, or gå for ti! In the summer of 2009, 10 participants earned their 10-year awards, thanks, no doubt, to generous support in the form of Sons of Norway scholarships to many Skogfjorden families.

So what’s happening at Skogfjorden this summer? Plenty! In 2010, special emphasis will be devoted to three topics: music, peace studies and folkehøgskoler (folk high schools). Students who spend four weeks at Skogfjorden, earning a year of high school language credit, will be studying the themes of oil and energy. Finally, the staff will give special emphasis to the life and work of Bjørnsterne Bjørnsen, who also is celebrated throughout Norway this year. Of course, at the heart of all the programming is the Norwegian language immersion experience.

Check out this fun video of Skogfjorden staff member Hans Erik with two day-camp participants.

Amy Boxrud is editor of Viking magazine. She lives with her family in Northfield, Minnesota, where she’s a member of Nordmarka 1-585. Amy is a Nordic folk music enthusiast, and when she’s not working or parenting, she can often be found making music with friends.