Greetings from the District 1 Convention!

As most Sons of Norway members know, we're in the middle of convention season. Well, just past the middle, actually--five down, two happening this weekend and one next week.

It's an exciting time for Sons of Norway because this is when members come together to participate in the governance of our beloved organization. At each district convention decisions are made that will potentially affect thousands of members within the district, or tens of thousands if the decision is passed on to the International Convention in August. What I'm trying to say is that this is a REALLY BIG DEAL for us!

That's why I'm so excited, because I have been invited to the District 1 convention to work with delegates and give a breakout session on lodge websites and using the web to promote your lodge. I always have a great time at District conventions, so I'm really looking forward to it. This is an important step in the charting the course for Sons of Norway and I'm grateful to be a witness to it.

Speaking of which, if you're interested in learning more about what this all is leading up to, check out the Sons of Norway International Convention website at

That's all for now--hope to see you later today in Rochester!