Annie Lewis & Joseph Carroll

Annie Elizabeth Lewis was one of Birda's older sisters.

Annie married Joseph Hyrum Carroll (of the Ashley Precinct, i.e. Vernal, UT?) on 25 Jan 1899 in the Ashley Precinct (i.e. Vernal, UT?).
Thus, she became Annie Elizabeth Lewis Carroll.
Photos from the personal albums of Kay Beers (via email)
Photoshopped together by me.
Newspaper notice:
SOURCE: Vernal Express 1899, Jan 27, p.4
Newspaper notice transcribed:
License to wed was issued Tuesday to Mr. J.H. Carroll, of Millward, aged 25, and Miss. A.E. Lewis, Fourth ward, aged 20.  The ceremony was performed Wednesday at the residence of the bride, Bp. Alplanalp officiating.
*Punctuation adjusted wherein I saw fit.

Marriage licence:
Image number correction: #00271
Marriage license certificate:
Found in the personal albums of Howard Carroll

Their marriage lasted roughly 24 years but ultimately ended in divorce on 25 Dec 1923 (according to family records).  I will research to provide documentation on that divorce and include in this post when it is available.

Divorce notice:
SOURCE: Vernal Express 1923, Dec 14, p.16
Divorce notice transcribed:
But One Divorce Granted At Court
Annie E. Carroll was granted a divorce from Joseph H. Carroll and the custody of the minor children also all the real and personal property.  The case went by default.