Monday Mashup

Lyle Lovett is coming to town. This Friday, July 20, he'll be performing live at the DECC. I already mentioned this last week, but it's OK to mention it again. His music resonates with me and the manner in which he delivers his pithy, pointed lyrics is so rich. Here's a clip of Lyle performing Closing Time in 2008 out in New Brunswick, NJ. I love the line, "Well keep on laughing, Kathy, make it out of here." Such simple lyrics and so heartbreaking.

I was half thinking of writing a full blog titled Lyle Lovett Is A Beautiful Man, but there were other themes to touch on today, so the moment passed. His songs come from that place where pain becomes art. His albums are worth multiple listens and continuously give your something to savor.

In case you haven't heard, ReaderFest is next week. Publisher Bob Boone is pulling out all the stops as the Reader, Duluth's locally owned alternative rag, celebrates its 15th anniversary. It's being billed as a week of fun from Sunday July 22 through the climactic July 28th with a community festival in Bayfront Park, the first 10,000 attendees free. (Not sure who will be doing the counting, but that would be quite a site.) Boone wants to give back to his home town and let people know he's proud to be here.

There will be all kinds of events throughout the week including Huskies baseball, Lake Superior Zoo, the Adventure Zone, Wine & Beer Tasting, Irvin and Meteor tours, and a free trolley to transport folks here, there and everywhere. And dagnabbit, it's all free.

The Saturday event will have live music all day, including a couple of my favorite groups, Centerville All Stars and Uprising. But there's plenty more, including Hannah Rey, Ultra Day,. the Bryan Olds Band, Brothers Burn Mountain, and Old Knifey and the Cutthroats. The Reader is asking the public to bring non-perishable food items when they come to the park that day to support our community food shelves.

I saw a description of Salvador Dalí the other day that triggered an unexpected thought. "Dali, a colorful and imposing presence in his ever–present long cape, walking stick, haughty expression, and upturned waxed mustache, was famous for having said that 'every morning upon awakening, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dalí.'" It struck me that Rush Limbaugh might make a statement like that.

Patron of the arts appreciating works by Andrew Floberg.
I found the Andrew Floberg show Friday night to be quite moving. Floberg went to school here at UMD but spent 20 years in Missoula, Montana. His pictures will be on display Saturdays and Sundays through the end of the month from 1-5 pm. If you are downtown at all on weekends, take a few minutes to take it in. The gallery showcases the works of artist residents of the old Washing school at 315 North Lake Avenue, Duluth.