Shutterfly's Long Live Summer Photo Contest

I don't know about you, but for me summer is when I take the most pictures. We always take our vacation either in July or August, and then of course I look for ways to keep my kids busy the other days. With so many activities going on in the summer, there are plenty of photo opportunities.

Since summer provides great chances to take pictures, why not enter Shutterfly's Long Live Summer Photo Contest. Just stop by their Facebook Page, upload a photo and caption based on the theme of the week, and you will be entered to win a trip for four to the Bahamas that includes a professional photo shoot. You can enter anytime during the five-week sweepstakes period and you will receive a gift just for entering.

The first week is over, but here are the themes for the next four weeks:

  • Week 2 (7/16): Great Outdoors
  • Week 3 (7/23): Water Fun
  • Week 4 (7/30): Sports & Activities
  • Week 5 (8/6): Parties & Celebrations

As far as prizes, there is an instant win prize for submitting a photo, weekly prizes, weekly featured photos, and the grand prize. With the weekly featured photos, up to 5 weekly entries will be selected from the gallery and featured on the Facebook fan page.  They will also be awarded a $500 gift card on Shutterfly and a copy of the new Lonely Planet travel photography book.

Sounds like a great giveaway for those who love to take pictures!

Disclosure: I will be receiving a free photo book in exchange for this post. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.