Static says Waaaaaaaaaah!

Everyone stand in awe of Derek's manliness. -- Static

OH NOES! I MADE STATIC CRY! Quick! Someone call a WAAAAAAAAHmbulance for him!

Static cries. Boo hoo, someone accuses him of "cognitive distortions," he crumples like a sheet of wadded paper, then proceeds to his CP as usual. But not without leaving a number of his sleep-inducing dissertations but he makes it a point to whine:

DL- You are hereby to cease and desist using my methods, tactics, and insults henceforth, ipso facto, e. pluribus unum, vini vidi vichi, etcetera, ad infinitum...

Another idiotic post from an idiotic man, who thinks now he has the copyright on logic. Give me a break While AZU spends the next few months bouncing back and forth between Static's special "file sharing" that landed him on the registry, their cognitive distortions, their denials of the truth, and the time it takes to follow their enemies around the internet, its no wonder they lack the ability to comprehend anything besides personal attacks. Maybe he just hates getting whipped at his own game. Static has really deteriorated into a sniveling sissified AZU yes man, shines their shoes, cleans their gutters, washes the dishes, etc. Hope he doesn't mind the smell!