For that reason, among others, John felt that even being there as a spectator was very exhilarating. Also, many of the folks who first started the event, people like Bjarne Eikevik and others, were good friends of John's over the years, so being there for this year's event had some personal meaning as well.
John went on to say some great things about the SFl leadership as well. The whole time he's been at the event the folks in charge have been nothing but welcoming, gracious and, above all, enthused about Ski for Light. In fact he told me that he's been so impressed by the growth of the event that he's invited SFL President Marion Elmquist to the 1455 offices to discuss possible ways of furthering our collaboration and ways Sons of Norway might increase its support of the event. This could be a very exciting opportunity for everyone, I think!
As if that wasn't enough, John also went on to congratulate the Sons of Norway members who have volunteered at this year's Ski for Light. He told me that it's great to see so many members getting involved in an event like SFL and they should all be proud of their contributions.
From what John told me, there has also been a lot of fun diversions that didn't require skis. First, there was Norway Night, where everyone in attendance took part in a HUGE conga line. But wait--there's more! It was a conga line that danced to...Bob. Denver. Don't believe me? I have video proof!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand--there's a shiny, new Sons of Norway 2008 International Convention collector's coin for the first person that can pick out our beloved CEO in the dance line! E-mail me at eevans@sofn.com if you think you found him and that precious coin is all yours!
On a more emotional note, I was informed that longtime SFL family member and Sons of Norway Fraternal MVP, Rob Rasmussen married the love of his life, Sherry at an outdoor ceremony in front of most of the SFL participants. I have video of that too! Congrats Rob and Sherry! May your lives be filled with love and joy forever!
This next one is for the newlywed! C'mon everyone this is a celebration--you know the words!