Troll Speak

You know, we need a translator when dealing with the trolls, so I have provided you a handy translators guide in the event you come across members of absolute zero united or even a member of perverted-justice:

"Antis:" How AZU identifies themselves. "Anti" is short for "antisocial," which is fitting when you consider their approach to anyone who doesn't agree with them, even a district attorney.

On Jan. 12, 2008, Stitches 77 says, "I could care less what an Iowa attorney says or ANY attorney for that matter." ( The "Iowa attorneys" she was referring to was the Iowa County Attorneys Association, the group of PROSECUTING attorneys in that state. Disregard for legal authority is a hallmark of APD.

"Pedo Enablers:" Anyone who disagrees with their view of "kill all sex offenders." If you are not condemning them to death, you are enabling them. If you call for reform, you are enabling. If you are not aggressive enough in condemning them you are enabling them. Somehow, they came to the belief that calling for reforms to make sex offenders legislation sensible and promoting stuff like prevention and education, you are somehow excusing sex crimes. Remember, I've already noted in previous threads, Patty Wetterling and The Pope were among the list of "pedo enablers."

Ironically, the real definition of "enabling" is encouraging an action through support or creating an environment conducive to behavior. Ironically, the AZU harass/annoy/stress gameplan creates such an environment.

"Spin:" Essentially any interpretation of a study or stat that disagrees with their interpretations of it. Ironically, they are adept at having interesting intepretations of what people say. After all, they turned the Pope's message of healing for victims of the church's sex scandal into a blame game rant. Which brings me to:

"Blame Gamers:" Anyone who suggests anything for the healing process except cold revenge; also means any former offender who speaks out against oppressive sex offender laws.

"Victim Bashing:" Attacking, criticizing, or questioning any of their words or actions, even if you are doing so in self-defense from their actions. Somehow AZU thinks being a victim or a victim advocate gives them license to hurt others. And their favorite:

"Denial:" Anyone non-submissive to their whims. If you speak up against sex offender laws, you are in "denial." Guess they forgot SO laws aren't SUPPOSED to be punishment. Dumbasses.

Eventually I may add more to this as the need arises.