There is a good reason why...
I've been too sick/moody/ornery/tired to blog much lately
I've been too sick/moody/ornery/tired to do much of anything
Tums are a part of my daily diet
My running schedule has been placed on a temporary (about 9 months) hold
Even though I am still trying to be active, certain parts of my body are starting to strongly resemble Jiggly Puff
Oh, who are we kidding. I'm not trying to be active!
I can no longer stand eating red meat and the thought of going to my previously favorite lunchtime spot, Costa Vida, makes me queasy
I almost ate an entire bowl of onion cream cheese chip dip... without the chips
Mmmm... onion cream cheese chip dip...
I'm starting to pull out boxes of old clothes with brand labels like "Duo" and "Pea in the Pod"
If I am wearing my normal pants, chances are there's a rubber band where the button ought to be
We've been discussing bigger cars and bedroom changes
Gordon's been telling people, "I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER!"If you haven't guessed already, we are EXPECTING!
That's right, people, there is going to be a third Hansen child in the world, most likely sometime in October. As mentioned, I've been feeling awful, but am otherwise healthy and doing well. I went to the doctor today and the McFetus seems to be acclimating well to its squishy world and looks right on target. Despite my complaining, which I was trying
really hard not to do too much, we're really excited!
We told the boys and Thomas was absolutely darling about it-- he was so excited and cheered and gave me a big hug. Gordon, while we don't think he really gets it, is very careful when he climbs on me, usually telling me that he'll be "gentelly". Thanks, buddy.
Here's my first picture with the little invader...

We'll find out the gender the first week of June, so I'll definitely hold a blog contest for that. Otherwise, I'll try to keep my pregnancy-related posts (see whining) to a minimum. Cheers to gestation. Ha ha!