In case you can't tell by my monthly blog headers, I've become a big fan of digital scrapbooking. I still love my paper stuff, but the more I digi-scrap, the more I love it! In the digital scrapbooking world, designers (the people who create the paper, elements, etc) put out "calls" for people to apply for their creative teams. A member of a creative team gets all of her (or his, I suppose) supplies from that designer for free and in return, creates pages (or layouts) to post on digital scrapping sites as a form of advertising. Since I'm pretty green to this world, I hadn't applied for any creative teams-- frankly, I felt really intimidated when I saw some of the amazing work that the creative teams produce. But, a few weeks ago, a designer that I really like posted a call for creative team members, so I thought, "why not?" and I applied. Well, (drumroll)....
I was invited to join the MandaBean Creative Team! I am so excited!
I made this page today with a darling kit called
Darling Deery: