Next, I headed over to Wyview to meet my sister, Caitlan, who is a freshman at BYU. Caitlan is awesome and we had a really fun weekend together. Our first stop was Zurcher's, a party shop that made me start thinking about all sorts of parties I want to have! We found some hysterically awesome stuff-- man, I am laughing just thinking about it! We thought these holiday sunglasses were especially appropriate:

Our shopping spree continued at Wal-Mart, where we got in and out as quickly as possible. That place drives me nuts! The sunset was really cool, so Caitlan posed on some Wal-Mart shopping carts so we could get a good shot. We also tried IceBreakers Dragon Fruit gum, which is totally disgusting.

Next we headed to the BYU bookstore and Caitlan showed me some of the new stuff on campus. It is amazing how much it has changed in ten years! I bought a couple of non-BYU-themed Christmas gifts and Caitlan bought a book on kissing. The checker (Alex?) was really excited about Caitlan's purchase, and I still think she should try to set up a little practice session with him. Ha!
We decided to eat dinner at a tasty Japanese place. No, I didn't have sushi, but my tempura veggies were fabulous. Caitlan, brave girl, actually enjoyed her raw fish-- it was pretty, I admit.

In more cell phone fun, I laughed while Caitlan flirted via text message with a guy she has a crush on. I am a little too old to understand the whole texting thing, but it was funny to watch them send and receive messages. During the game, I also educated Caitlan on the existance of Mark Wahlberg and Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.
Elise: Is he related to Mark Wahlberg?
Caitlan: Who is that?
E: What?! You don't know who Mark Wahlberg is?! Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch?!?
C: Huh?
E: You know, "Good Vibrations"? Mid-nineties stuff...
C: I was like, six.
E: Oh, yeah. Well.
When the game ended, we went to Baskin-Robbins, the very place where Chris and I went on our first date. I think I may have even ordered the same thing. Aw.
Caitlan had a headache, so she went to bed kind of early, but I stayed up with her cute roommates and gave them dating advice. Yes, it was solicited, I promise! I slept on their couch and went to church with Caitlan and her roommates the next day, then drove home to Logan. It was such a fun weekend-- thanks Caitlan!
This isn't really my news to post, but since many of you know my other sister Ann-Michelle, I have to tell you that she had her baby on Sunday! Ann-M was expecting her 4th girl and guess what-- she had a boy! The ultrasound tech was wrong, and the Freed girls now have a cute little brother! CONGRATS, Freeds!!