Nonny and Bob are in Jackson to take in the Teton Music Festival for a week, so we took advantage of their kind hospitality and their comfy RV. The RV is at the Virginian, the same hotel Chris and I stayed at on our honeymoon almost nine (gulp) years ago! It was fun to reminisce... we really never could have imagined then that we would be back with two sons in tow!
We arrived in Jackson on Saturday morning after spending the night at my parents' house in Idaho Falls the night before. The weather was warm, so the first thing we did was hit the pool! The kids love swimming so much and they loved showing off for Nonny and Bob. Then, while Gordon (and Bob!) napped, Chris and I took Thomas into town for some light shopping. I really enjoyed spending time with just Tom. He is just a little sparkler.
We had to get ice cream, of course, and Thomas was enjoying himself so thoroughly that I had to document the moment.

After a couple hours of taking in downtown Jackson, we went back to the RV to find Gord just waking up. Perfect timing! We enjoyed a tasty dinner of scallops (for Nonny, Bob and Chris) and hot dogs (for me and the boys-- I'm not a shellfish lover, I'll admit) and yummy banana bread for dessert.
Then we drove to Teton Village where Bob treated us to a ride on the gondolas. It was so fun to whiz up the mountain in the gondola-- the boys really got a kick out of watching frizbee golfers (frolfers) and mountain bikers on the ground below. Once we were at the top, the view was nothing short of incredible.
The gondolas...

Me, Gord and Nonny...
(yes, I know my hat looks goofy...)

Bob, Tom and Chris

The Hansen clan with Jackson Hole below