We decided to head up to the ampitheater last night for the "Makin' Tracks" presentation. After a brief discussion about how to identify animal tracks on the trail (shape, size, and pattern are key here), the kids had some fun hands-on activities.

Thomas and Gordon practiced making tracks like a rabbit.

The boys made "Track Books" with stamps that they can use to help identify the kinds of tracks they find. Thomas's book turned out really well. Gordon, on the other hand, was more interested in getting ink all over his hands and face. At least he had fun, right?

And a visit to the Canyon just wouldn't be complete unless we got to throw some rocks into the river. I love this shot of Gord-- now there is some serious rock-throwing!

Next Thursday, we plan to head up to the ampitheater again for "Reptile Review". Apparently there will be a chance to meet some reptiles up close and personal... too cool!