Hurricane Sandy Recovery: the Foundation Does its Part

As the east coast begins its long march towards recovery following the devastating results of Hurricane Sandy, the Sons of Norway Foundation has already given its first Helping Hands grant to a member-family in the Breezy Point section of Staten Island. This area has sustained some of the worst flooding and experienced significant fire damage, so the grant will go a long way to helping the family in their recovery efforts.

At this point we’ve hear from another member in the Rockaway area of New Jersey as well as a number of lodges who were in Sandy’s path and expect to hear from more families who have been displaced as they determine their full scope of damage.

I’m sure everyone is aware of the destruction caused by Sandy and there are definitely going to be a number of member-families in need this fall. That being so, Sons of Norway is asking members to make a donation to the Humanitarian fund, so the Foundation can provide much needed support to those affected by the hurricane. To make a donation, click here and fill out the linked form. Any amount helps, and remember--it's tax deductible!

In the meantime, our thoughts are with all those displaced by the hurricane. We hope your recovery is swift and successful!