For the Kids Friday #71

Welcome to the party!!!
We are already half-way through our summer vacation.  I feel like a taxi driver, shuttling kids from camp, to swim lessons, to summer activities, and on, and on, and on.  I've been in a house with no less than six kids at any given time.  Oh my gosh, am I ready for a VACATION!  haha!

So what have YOU been doing?  I can't wait to see what you have to share at this week's party!

 Check out my favorites from last week.
These posts have been pinned to the SunScholars THE BEST OF... For the Kids Fridays AND the Kid Blogger Network Board on Pinterest!

If you've been featured below
grab my A++ and brag about it to your friends :)

Indian Doll
at Restless Risa

Mr. Watermelon Head
at Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons

DIY Kid Friendly PVC Bow & Arrow
at Craft, Interrupted

Summer Olympics Printables
Summer Olympics Pack
at 3 Dinosaurs

5 Easy Science Experiments for Kids
at East Coast Mommy

Now, on to this week's party!
For the Kids Friday

1)  I would LOVE for you to first be a follower of my blog.  (And why wouldn't you want to be?!)

2)  Grab my For the Kids Fridays Button and place it somewhere on your blog.  Be sure to link back to me!

3)  Link up as many KID-RELATED activities, games, recipes, parties, gifts, clothing you've created, crafts, traditions, lessons, and so on... that you would like to share.  Please add a different link each week.  They can be old or new... this is just a place to share ideas for our kids to enjoy.  Bonus points to those that serve some educational purpose too!  Link must be to the specific post, and not your general blog page.  Please don't link to your store.

4)  Share the love and comment on at least one other link.  Everyone loves to get feedback.

That's it!  Have fun, and thanks so much for participating!