I have shown you some of my favorite places up here in NH before, like Burdick's, the farmstand (here, here, and here), and an antique shop (that has since moved, although we just went to Peterborough earlier this week and there are several other fabulous places to shop). Today I thought I would show you a handful of the beautiful old homes I love driving and walking by every time we are up here. I loved living here as a girl and dream of someday owning a home up here.
This house has always been one of my favorites:
I am not sure if I have the right number of greats (I might be short one), but this house was built by my great, great, great, great, great grandfather and has been passed down each generation.

Those are just a handful of ones I love. There are plenty others, including my all-time favorite that I couldn't take a photo of the other day, but maybe will get one at some point this summer.
Here are a few of the other pretty buildings up here. This is the church my great-grandparents attended.
And this is the church Jon and I got married in, and so did one of my sisters, cousins, my parents and my grandparents!
And here is the Town Hall where we had our wedding reception:
This is the original Meeting House.
And this is the Meeting House in the next town over.
I don't know about you, but I just love old architecture! The quality, beauty and attention to detail just amazes me.
If you like viewing New England I recommend reading this post by Joan who writes one of my favorite blogs, For the Love of a House. I have been in her home and it is absolutely stunning. You have to head on over and see her kitchen! Anyway, she wrote a post back in May that gave her readers a little tour of Grafton, VT and I know you will enjoy it (and her whole blog!)
I hope you all have a fabulous Thursday!