Wishing For Tomorrow Audio Book Review by ChristineMM

My Star Rating: 5 Stars out of 5 = I Love It

My Summary Statement: Fills in a Lot of Details Missing From A Little Princess and Updates Everything

I was wary about a sequel written by an author who did not write the original classic but this book did not disappoint.

In thinking about The Little Princess, there was a fair amount of detail lacking on the Minchin's, who they were and how the boarding school came to be, and who the other girls were and why they were there. This sequel answers all of that plus tells what happened after Sara left. As to what happens in the future of Miss Minchins', I can't and won't reveal the spoiler other than to say something does happen that tidies up everything so we readers know what would happen going forward.

I listened to the audiobook version which was well narrated by a woman with a British accent.

I enjoyed both the audiobook listening experience as well as enjoying the story. I'm an adult who read A Little Princess as a child and re-read it a few years ago. I think the sequel was well done and highly recommend it to any reader who loved A Little Princess.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this audiobook from Amazon Vine for the purpose of reviewing it on Amazon.com's site. I was under no obligation to review it favorably nor to blog it and I was not paid to do this. For my blog's full disclosure statement see the link near the top of my blog's sidebar.