SPECIAL REPORT: Flood Assistance for Artists and Small Businesses

Because of the nature of the world we live in, troubles befall us that we have little or no control over. This week's devastating floods in the Twin Ports region brought this truth home to us with unexpected force. In response, many agencies and good-hearted people from across the land of sought to respond, to assist those in need here.  

Local potter/ceramicist Karin Kraemer forwarded this information to my attention for posting here on my blog as a means of getting the word out to artists in our region. Here are some organizations that you can turn to for assistance.

The Northeast Entrepreneur Fund is collecting who and how much impact there is in small businesses, so they can get funding from FEMA and other resources to help businesses harmed.

They will want to know:
How much disruption in time and loss of business and income
Loss of equipment and materials to be replaced ($)
And other stuff? I have to call and ask, also to get the pertinent info…

202 W Superior St # 311
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 726-4793

Artist Relief Fund in Duluth 
All of these will be helped along by getting ahold of the SBA and having them certify your damage photos of everything!
The University of Minnesota Duluth Center for Economic Development is the Small Business Development Center program in NE Minnesota.


Types of Financial Support
CERF+’s Emergency Grants are designed to provide immediate help to eligible craft artists after career-threatening emergencies.
The maximum potential Emergency Grant is $2,500.
The maximum potenital Emerging Professional Craft Artist Emergency Grant is $1,500. CERF+ loans and other CERF+ grants are not available to those qualifying for this grant program.

Note: If you receive a grant, you are required to report the money as income when filing your IRS tax form.

CERF+’s Emergency Recovery Loan is used by an eligible craft artist to re-establish, improve, or possibly expand his/her work capacity after an emergency.
The maximum potential Emergency Recovery Loan is $8,000.
No interest is charged and loans must be repaid within five years. To be considered for an Emergency Recovery Loan, applicants must answer all applicable application questions, provide a cash flow projection statement for the next 12 months as well a short, loan-related business plan.
Applicants may request a loan, grant or both.

Need help? Contact relief@craftemergency.org

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 838
Montpelier, VT 05601
Street Address CERF+
28 Elm Street #2
Montpelier, VT 05602
Tel: (802) 229-2306
Fax: (802) 223-6484
Email: info@craftemergency.org
Office Hours: 8:30am - 5pm EST

Hope this helps. If there are corrections needed, leave a comment and I will correct as soon as able.