I am happy with how it turned out and the best part - not only did I get this piece for FREE a few years ago, I painted it for FREE too! They were giving away free quarts of paint at our Ace Hardware so I of course snatched one up. The paint was a different brand than I usually use but I had them mix up a Benjamin Moore color for me - Valley Forge Tan. I would say it more gray than tan though.
Here it is before. The other night when I was about to start painting I realized I wasn't sure if I had any pictures of it before so I took this one. Thanks to the fact that it was in the wee hours of the morning and with no natural light it looks worse here in the photo than it actually did. (Although it was very heavy/clunky looking!)
When I looked through my photos later I could just find glimpses of it. Seeing how I never liked it I always made sure it was cropped mostly out of pictures.
I want to get rid of the glass and add chicken wire like I did for my parents hutch, but the glass is not going to be as easy to take out of this piece so I'm not sure when I am going to attempt that.

I think this new color works so much better in this room now. This is a photo from earlier this year when it was still black and you can see on the left where it sits in relationship to the rest of the room.
I hope you all are having a wonderful summer! We've been quite busy. Dana was here this past weekend and we spent most of Saturday at Busch Gardens. Here she is with Lillie:

And here is a picture of Lillie and Jon with the ENORMOUS flamingo Jon won for her. I think next time we will play something that Jon is not so good at so we don't get stuck with any more ridiculously oversized toys. =) It was quite the challenge getting it in the car and takes up about half of Lillie's room. I have no idea how I am going to ever be able to "discreetly" get rid of it - haha!

I hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday!