So......we just returned from a fast trip to Wisconsin to attend a family wedding.....and to meet our first grandson who at 7 weeks old, also made the trip from SFO (oh, along with his parents!)

 We'll admit to being foodies......and go out of our way to find our favorite comfort foods while back in the Midwest.  I'm guessing at least half the population in Wisconsin attends a 'fish fry' on Friday nights.  The other half wish they did!  Of course fried cheese curds replace the usual fresh fries!

We got hooked on Uno's deep dish pizza during our days living in's still my favorite.  I've come pretty close to duplicating the recipe....but not enough that I can pass up the real thing.

 Madison, WI has an excellent (though SUPER crowded) Saturday farmer's market where the cheese curds are so fresh they squeak. 

My passion for Culver's concrete chocolate malts has been confessed to many a time on this blog......and you can be sure that craving was satisfied too!  We are excited to know that the chain is opening a restaurant in the Greenville, SC area....oh my....that's only 90 mins. away.....certainly doable!

BUT....the sweetest treat of them all was being able to spend time with Raiden....yup...he's a big boy of 13 lbs. at 7 weeks old.  However.....considering he was nearly 9 lbs when he was born.....we fully expect him to walk any day now!  Our darling DIL is holding this very well behaved child....seriously, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.  

For those of you who haven't yet experienced this new phase in your life.....I'm here to tell you it's worth waiting for!