Title: Alamo the Price of Freedom
IMAX movie
While in San Antonio, Texas we watched the IMAX movie Alamo the Price of Freedom. This film is about 45 minutes long and it has high action throughout.
It shows the battle at the Alamo which obviously is war based violence and it was fairly gory. I mention this in case you are considering showing it to young kids.
Davy Crockett was a central figure and his personality added some flair and humor to what otherwise may be a too serious and depressing movie.
There were some emotional scenes as we saw two brothers fighting on opposite sides and there were casualties of women and children. Actually some kids were fighting in the battle.
The movie was patriotic and there was a strong sense of pride to fight to the death and to not give up. These are issues that I feel our young people today do not have on their minds. So, at the part of the movie where it seemed they may all perish yet they continued to keep fighting it was hard to watch, knowing they may go down in battle.
The movie was engaging and interesting.
Combining the IMAX movie with a visit to The Alamo helped breathe some life into the otherwise quiet and calm building. Seeing a war film in IMAX format was almost sensory overload and powerful.