The Power of Connection

This weekend, I was lucky enough to meet up with 6 other mamas, some of their husbands, and 7 of their babies for an amazing weekend of cuteness.  

This group of mamas are a diverse, beautiful, supportive bunch of women that I've had the privilege to meet and get to know since I found out that I was pregnant with little man.  So, I've been getting to know some of these ladies for almost two years at this point.  Having babies that are all within about 1-6ish months apart, we've been able to experience a lot of the new world of being mothers together.  The good, the bad, and the ugly, these women have always been ears to listen and words of support and encouragement through many of the great and not-so-great days since little man was born (as with several other wonderful ladies who were not able to make it due to distance or other conflicts).  

As a new mama, it has been extremely helpful to me to have a support system.  Of course, I have my husband, my parents, my family, and my close friends, but there is something of an unspoken bond to be said of a group of mothers who come together in support of each other and a good baby poop joke or two :)  This weekend, several of us ladies traveled quite a distance to make it to the gathering, including one mama who came with not only her toddler, but also her newborn, from hours away.  

Thankfully, I have one very close local friend who is part of the mom's group who decided she was in for the ride, so we attempted the trip sans husbands and braved the 5 hours in the car and hotel stay together (which I'll dedicate an entire other post to in a day or so).  It was SO great to be able to spend time with her, and actual REAL quality time with her and a few of the other mamas while we were there.  

I find that, at times, it is difficult to be able to connect fully with other women and mothers at short play dates, park trips, etc. at times, because you are so focused on making sure your little one is taken care of, that half the time you don't even really get to talk to the other parents.  This weekend was a little different of course, because it was somewhat extended in time (my local friend and I stayed overnight two nights), but also because these mamas knew each other and already had connections that this visit sufficed to only strengthen.  Even if it were only for short conversations, we were able to really make the effort to better know and support each other this weekend.  

If you are a new mother, or are going to be a new mother, I HIGHLY recommend finding a mother's group you are comfortable with and in which you can express your feelings openly.  These women above are some of the women I run to with questions or alternately give advice to, and it has been such a helpful part of my path into becoming the mama that I want to be.  To all the ladies present this weekend, and all the others who were unable to come, I appreciate you, and I thank you for being in my life.

♥ the naptown organizer 

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