Something to Use Ruined Homemade Pudding For

My 14 year old son made his first batch of pudding from scratch. It was a giant batch. It was intended to be a food that he'd eat after he had his tonsillectomy surgery.

There is a trick and a chance taken when blending hot milk into room temperature egg. One wrong move and you wind up with pudding with bits of tiny scrambled eggs in it.

With about a gallon of odd texture pudding on my hands I had an idea. I tried it, and it works.

Freeze the pudding, then use the frozen pudding combined with milk to make a milkshake.

The grainy texture of the pudding is undetectable in the milkshake.

Variation: Peach Milkshake

With frozen vanilla pudding: put a 15 ounce can of peaches in pear juice into the blender and add the frozen vanilla yogurt (just estimate the quantity). Mine yielded two peach milkshakes. It's delicious.
