Spring Lacrosse Has Begun

I am busy with younger son (age 11) doing spring lacrosse.

For reasons I will not get into here he is only doing a two day a week clinic, so this is not a burden on our family's time as it has been in the last years. With that said, I wish my son was doing more. Comparing the programs available here in Texas to what he had in Connecticut I now realize we had it really great back in Connecticut. The lacrosse programs for kids here are smaller, less available, and the supply for the program does not meet the demand.

Update: Okay upon reading the above, I sound pretty ungrateful. Actually I am grateful that something exists, and my son is grateful. Something is better than nothing. I am glad that some volunteer work to put this program on. While my family does not help with lacrosse we are spending a lot of time helping the Boy Scouts and the rowing team and my husband's also helping homeschoolers by teaching a stock market class. We can only take on so much, so with lacrosse we need to lean on others to provide the program.

Photo by ChristineMM 2/24/12 with iPhone4 and Instagram taken in The Woodlands Texas.