Heath Mason, Organ Donor, Columbus, Ohio,1974 -1996

Heath Mason
1974- 1996

Heath was a son, brother, husband, uncle, friend and student.  To me he was my brother.  When we were young he was what most younger brothers are supposed to be…a pest.  He loved to tease, spy and argue with me.  I always knew he was going to be strong, he played sports better than most, he was bigger and taller than most, he was outspoken, independent, brave and he was a leader.  He had a presence that was real; you always knew that he would tell it like it is.  He wasn’t concerned with what other people thought, he was confident and even sometimes a bit cocky. 

That is why on February 27th, 1996 when I got that horrific phone call from my dad that Heath was “gone” it seemed impossible. How could a boy so big, so strong, so brave be killed in a car.  He was the last person I could ever imagine getting hurt, I mean he had become in my eyes, my “Big, little brother”. A car couldn’t hurt him?  This must not be true…

It was.

The years after Heath’s death I came to realize he knew something that most of us don’t.  Sure, we’ve all heard it, read on Hallmark cards, “Life is Short, Live Life to the fullest, Everyday is a gift”….  In his short 21 years, he really lived, he hadreal friendships, he stood up for you, had your back always.  As a son Heath was close to his parents, he didn’t wait like most of us to do this when they get older, he spent time with them and wasn’t afraid to express how much he loved them. As a husband, yep that’s right a husband, Heath didn’t mess around and shy away from commitment like most boys his age, he knew what love was and wasn’t going to wait, he married the love of his life.  As an uncle he played ball with you and carried your pictures in his wallet and made sure you got the biggest stuffed bear when you were born.  As a student at OSU Heath took school seriously, so seriously he gave up baseball and was going to be an Architect. As a brother, 14 and 4 years younger than his siblings Heath was a friend, hung out with you, watched sports together, listened to music with you, saw movies together.  For me he also was a protector, like brothers are supposed to be (he had the best role model for this) he loved me fiercely and I knew it!

Heath Mason was also an Organ Donor.  His life was full and because of his generous spirit he was able to give that gift of life to someone else.  This is not something many 21 year olds even think about, but Heath did.  He knew he had a lot to share in this life and he didn’t waste a minute of it.

We honor him and walk together.