Far too often, people feel justified to commit criminal acts in the name of revenge, retribution, or what they believe to be "justice." Such is the case of Danielle Jones Schneider. If you haven't heard about this story, just read on:
From the Seattle Weekly Blog--
It doesn't take long to look through Danielle Schneider's blog and realize that she really doesn't like Patrick Rojas. She has, of course, good reason not to. In 2007 the then-22-year-old pleaded guilty to reduced misdemeanor charges--communication with a minor for immoral purposes--for incidents involving Schneider's 11-year-old daughter. He's free now, and says that her hate blog is keeping him from getting a job. As such, he and his lawyer would like "unspecified damages" to compensate him for his troubles...
In fairness, Schneider's 277 blog posts go back to March 2009, and are vitriolic as they come. The posts blast Rojas, his father Eddie, wife Kathy, a host of clergy members at their church, nearly all of their children, and just about anyone else who's ever associated with them. She writes about where they go, what they do, and whatever rumors she hears. She accuses them of other crimes, though her documentation backing up the claims is typically lacking. At any rate, it's clear that the shaming of Rojas and his clan is something that Schneider is obsessively committed to.
We tend to think people are somehow justified in doing this, but we have a justice system for that. However imperfect it is, it is there to punish criminal behavior.What Rojas did was wrong; however, this does not give John Q. Public free reign to harass Rojas. What Schneider is doing today is harassment, plain and simple, and as such, she is a criminal. It remains to be seen whether a judge will do the right thing and rule against Schneider in light of the rants on both her blog and throughout the internet. Some of her other comments really make me question her integrity (a lot of things simple are not adding up):
We need to network, come together and make real, meaningful change. I DO NOT BELIEVE a pedophile can be cured...although I do believe in a God of miracles, I WOULD NOT be willing to risk an innocent child to test if a convicted pedophile has been "healed" would you?
She's also begging the public for money to support her legal fees for committing harassment. No doubt she's raking in the funds-- they did the same for Angry Tammy Gibson. I guess what people say about the Pacific Northwest and mental illness is true.
I'll be watching this case closely. It is time a vigilante gets deterred from engaging in criminal activity.