In light of Rob Taylor's most recent comments, I thought I'd bring something up. Rob Taylor is a hypocrite. You can't expect anything less from a bona fide conspiracy nutjob like him, but he's even worse than your average nutjob. Recently I had brought up the fact that many pagan groups tolerate pedophilia, and he claimed I "knew nothing about paganism." (By the way Robbie, I know more about it than you do, apparently). But anyways, on his PACA profile page, he says just the opposite:

In addition to being caught in an obvious contradiction, Robbie knows how to spot "vulnerable ones." Sounds a little creepy to me. And he was rebuked by another paga
n, but Robbie is right, many Pagan groups teach free love and no limits on sexual behaviors. For once Robbie and I see eye to eye! Thanks for admitting what I've said all along!