In the April issue of Viking, Sarah Nagell credits her study of Hardanger fiddle as the cupid's arrow that began her love affair with Norwegian folk music. Over the past 30 years, St. Olaf music professor Andrea Een has taught Hardanger fiddle to about 50 students at the college, exposing many to a new musical genre and inspiring several to continue studying, playing, and performing the instrument throughout their adult lives.

To see and hear what Een and her students have been up to recently, check out “Bridge of Peace: Swedes and Norwegians Fiddle in Harmony,” a joint concert between The Lars Skjervheim Spelemannslag of St. Olaf College, a group that Een leads; the Twin Cities Hardingfelelag, some of whom are Een’s former students; and the fiddling group from the American Swedish Institute. You can find the
archived concert—along with the concert program—on the college’s website. Enjoy!
Photo: David Gonnerman