- Up to one in five people with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) exhibits aggressive behaviors.
- Though they're more outgoing, the people in this SAD subset have a lower quality of life.
- Bullies -- both online and off -- may actually be coping with SAD.
This article reminds me a lot of Absolute Zero members. They are rather isolated, after all, spending all their days waiting for the latest post, project, or article so they can attack en masse.
Since I'm here, I thought I'd take a moment to address a few recent comments from the AZU terrorists. One of the latest articles is a lame attempt to justify their activities.
Considering some of the comments Violent Leaves has left at AZU over the years, it doesn't look like therapy has helped her any. Thankfully not everyone feels the same way she does. In addition to doubting Violent Leaves' background (personally I think it is nothing but a front to justify their cyber-bullying), I question her sanity.
Here comes the justification part. Stitches 77 boldly exclaims repeatedly that we accuse them of "stalking and harassment" for "merely expressing their opinions." I've covered in detail already what they mean by merely expressing an opinion here:
Below are some more of their mere opinions, as they call it.
They will never get it. It is more than "merely expressing their opinions." It is their unhealthy obsession with their online game of cyberbullying, causing harm and creating victims of their cyber-bullying. Then they try to justify it by claiming to be "victims of sexual abuse." As for you, Violent Leaves, I have a nice JPG just for you. See below: