Most people see through AZU's lies

Jacey, I have left the link to your page about Derek, but deleted the quote you left, because I do not want my website to become a battleground about the activity and state of mind of any one person, and because I believe people may want to click on the full statement that you were excerpting from Derek to see it in context, including his Disclaimer about not justifying what he did and “how wrong I was.”

My guess is that Derek did not include his own crime on the list because he does not consider what he did to be in the category of activity that does not deserve the Sex Offender designation.

Comment by David Giacalone — November 27, 2008 @ 8:16 am

Its no surprise people see through AZU's lies. The quote above is a case in point. Here we see "Jacey," who sounds a LOT like Logue-Hater, in the typical AZU tactic of following their targets around the internet. The link above is the Harvard University Law Blog, written in response to a personal attack and link to Wikisposure. But it only took a moment for the webmaster there to debunk Jacey's bunk. Jacey even gave them all the evidence to debunk her own argument, the complete screen shot of the statement Jacey quoted in her lame personal attack.

In short, Jacey was caught in a lie. For all the time the AZU/ PJers spent on Wikisposure, anyone with brain cells can see through their lies. Jacey likes to bitch and moan and throw out personal attacks and insults, but their accusations run hollow. If Jacey [jackassey] was caught in a lie once, VERY RECENTLY in fact, what does that say about the rest of AZU's claims?
Or wikisposure for that matter? Perverted Justice, and Absolute Zero United for that matter, has no credibility. Jacey was caught in a lie, and even gave up the very evidence needed to prove her lie. But what else do you expect from people who call people like Patty Wetterling and the Pope "pedo enablers?"

PS: Here's another example of people seeing through AZU lies, in this case, comments left regarding Petra Looney's tirade on ABC's 20/20 last year:

LaMontagne1982 (2 weeks ago)
I think the point is that concentual sex doesn't warrent the offender to be labeled as a sex offender. Additionally I think common sense shows which of these women has deeper mental problems...ku klux jan? Cmon....

christophmoses (2 weeks ago)
An organization with such laudable goals should not engage in harassment when it does nothing to protect children. Just makes you seem bizarre. "Ku Klux Jan"???

Yup. People see AZU for what it really is...