AZU obsessions

Recently in one of AZU's typical tirades, Stitches implied I'm "obsessed" with them and I need to "leave them the F*** alone- waaaah!" Well out of boredom I just decided to tally the number of times AZU has posted about me in their comments board in comparison to the number of total posts made here by the anti-antis here. The numbers here are just posts where my name was explicitly stated in a comment by a member of AZU in a derisive manner, not counting those times I have posted, TSand, the Cunty Stitches, Valigator, or anyone else who defended me. This is merely AZU comments directed at me, starting from the Jan. 2, 2009 post to the April 16, 2009 comments.

Stitches77 [StitchCunt]: 80 times
Jeremy Static77 [StatiCunt]: 78 times
Logue Hater [counting his other variations of the Logue name]: 36 times
Jacey [Jackassey]: 23 times
Anonymous/ other posters [likely just the same people using different names]: 19 times
Goodgirl54301 [Bad Dog 13666]: 17 times
Someone using my name in fake pro-AZU comments: 13 times
[lacking] Carisma: 6 times
Alligator Treats: 3 times
Daydreamer Of Oz: 3 times
Rob Taylor-trash: 2 times, plus on two posts with a dozen comments at his pink-alerts porn site

Total number of posts attacking me: 280 posts!

Number of threads where I'm not mentioned: 5 [only one thread had over 20 total posts (30)]
Used as keyword once, used picture once.
One thread with someone posing as me supporting AZU, and around 30 edited posts.

By contrast, the TOTAL number of comments made here at this blog for the entire year of 2009 is 123, with no one AZU troll being singly targeted; of those, only 50 are my comments, many in response to comments by other anti-antis.

Stitches and Static each have more posts about ME than I have made about AZU in general ALL YEAR LONG! If anyone is obsessed, it is AZU, just by numbers alone. Don't get me started on the slander, libel, and false light comments prevalent at AZU. But it certainly does not look good for AZU does it?