Did you know the Anagram for Stitches is "SHIT SECT?" That describes Absolute Zero United perfectly! A shit sect!
Her day of being exposed is coming soon. Maybe Marina will end up getting a job as a Gardner, eating Rice a Roni [the SAN FRANCISCO treat], going to school at some art school in Valencia, CA or something so she can draw pokemon characters and playing Zelda: the Windwaker. Who knows?
My favorite comments of the day:
No, my name above should have been "L.S.D. Lysard" so please stop editing my posts. I wonder if there's any posts by people here that you haven't edited in some way. It makes you wonder..L.S.D.Lysard 01.27.09 - 4:34 pm
AZU does more than edit posts, they doctor web snapshots and create lies out of thin air. They still haven't shown me proof of that false accusation they made against poor Patty Wetterling.
WAH WAH WAH 01.27.09 - 7:00 pm
You don't say? That's what AZU is famous for, a society full of bitchy, moaning losers who contribute nothing more to society than proof of what happens when nutjobs stay off their meds too long. Since they love books, here's one for them: