Boycott Absolute Zero United

I leave on vacation for two weeks and like clockwork, the ritalin abusing team of the douche and the cunt (aka Static and Stitches77) have turned their attention to a "boycott" of I'm sure it will be as rousing a success as their "boycott" of Disney/ ABC's 20/20. Considering how the previous boycott was over airing Petra Luna's performance last march on 20/20, I can safely assume this tirade is the result of a botched order for her "marital aids."

Lets look at their "petition," for example.

If you've ever wondered why online petition sites are as useless as tits on a bull, here's your proof. I'm sure Bumcheeks Jones will fly from the UK and hold a picket sign in front of Amazon LOL. First of all, anyone can sign the petition multiple times, as is likely the case here. After all, honestly, only at the most 2 dozen people are even nominally active in AZU. Lets take a look at some of the signers of this stupid petition:

#5 - Hydra X: An internet dignitary, I'm sure LOL
#10 - Stitches 77 from the CONGO: The Congo? DON'T YOU MEAN CALI, MARINA?
#35 - John Homeless: Wasn't that a character from Brian's screenplay in Family Guy?
#49 - Bumcheeks Jones: Isn't that Stictchcunt's pet name for Static?
#87 - The beast within: Must be awkward meeting women. Hi, my name is Beast Within LOL
#89- Letsgetrealistic Smith: Another play on another man's screen name, which is typical of AZU

Lots of Traditional Native American and initials rather than real names, lots of double posting, and of course, two dozen "anonymous" signatures. Now, why would anyone protesting such allegations need to remain anonymous? Just think, after 3 weeks of this, they have 250 signatures, yet most fall under the "suspicious" category, and and schmuck can sign with names like Bumcheeks and John Homeless.

Let's see how much influence they had on Disney.

In the months following Absolute Azro United's "Boycott" of Disney, stocks stayed the same until suffering from the same stock dip as every other company hit in the recession. So AZU has as much influence on Disney as they had Bear Stearns, GM, and the oil industry, which is NONE. And signing the same online petition over and over again is just as stupid and futile. The truth is more likely some numbnut over at AZU felt snubbed by Amazon somehow and decided to do the same stamping of feet and lying of teeth they are prone to do. I'm on my way to to see if anyone wrote any books to verify AZU's bogus claim about Patty Wetterling having a sex offender son.