Ah, Gordy, my little devil! In the past two years, Gord has grown into a kid, but he still has crazy hair!
Thomas has always been our more serious, sensitive boy. He is becoming more and more outgoing-- in fact, this past year, Chris and I had to try hard not to be thrilled when Tom's teacher reported that he had a problem being a little too social in class. From the little boy who cried every morning for the first two months of kindergarten, we thought that was a great improvement!

It's hard to believe that Chris and I have been together as long as we have, because I still feel the same way I did the day we took this picture on our 8th anniversary. Actually, I still feel like we're the same two stupid kids we were when we decided to get married. I'm glad that there are some things that haven't changed at all.

Thanks to all of you who read this blog regularly-- I love keeping in touch with you!