When Trolls Attack!

There is a reason why I consider Absolute Zero United a criminal organization. All you have to do is visit the www.sexoffenderalliance.com/forums site. Around the end of May, the forums shut down after the AZholes invaded the site.

What is Sex Offender Alliance? It was allegedly a treatment-oriented website for former offenders. I had my suspicious about SOA being a front for the AZholes, a reservation shared by many individuals. Whatever the case, the AZholes had invaded the site around the middle of April 2008. A few of the former offenders naively thought that this was an opprtunity to meet on "neutral ground." Personally I didn't refer to SOA as "neutral ground." Whether Metanoid, the head of SOA was simply naive or had an ulterior motive, the fact remains that the AZholes took advantage of the situation.

Think about this, who in their right mind would go to a sex offender treatment place and post written child porn? Why would a sex offender treatment provider advocate taking abuse from other people knowing that stress could potentially trigger relapse? What did the AZholes have to gain from attacking not only a treatment provider but a VICTIM of a sex crime as well? And how was it that SOA user info was taken to be placed on Wikisposure when some of the people never even visited an AZU site before? There are a lot of unanswered questions.

If SOA was an AZ front, then good riddence. But what if it was legit? Then it stands as a testament to the idiocracy of the AZholes. You see, they CLAIM to be victim advoates. But in reality, its about hurting people. Are you a victim of a sex crime, but decided to treat the offender instead of beat the offender? Then they'll accuse you of a "sick pedophile fantasy." Like they once said it doesn't matter if you're the Pope, they'll call you a pedo enabler too!

The bottom line is this-- there is NO GOOD to come from the AZholes. If they enter the site, kick them off, PERIOD. They're nothing but a bunch of worthless fucks who enjoy making people miserable. You have two choices, ignore them, or fuck with them twice as bad like I do. If you stand up to them, you'll win. If you submit to the AZholes and kiss their asses like Metanoid over at SOA did, then you'll end up like SOA. Don't lay down and take it in the ass! Fight back!!!