I'm not a vigilante, I'm a blogger..."


Stitches 77: "Why are you calling me a vigilante? I'm a blogger just like you." (She then proceeds to defame and harass poster)

vig·i·lan·te - n
1. law-enforcing citizen: somebody who punishes lawbreakers personally rather than relying on the legal authorities

If AZU targets were indeed breaking the law, they have a duty to notify the authorities, which they don't. Instead, they dole out their own brand of justice that involves:

1. Drudging up as much info on said person as possible
2. Posting said personal info at AZU or Wikisposure, with labels like "pedophile" and "pedophile enabler"
3. Video montages and pasting pictures of target in various idiocies like klan suits and horse's asses

"I'm not stalking or harassing. I'm uncovering your lies."

ha·rass - vt
1. keep bothering or attacking somebody: to persistently annoy, attack, or bother somebody
2. exhaust enemy with repeated attacks: to exhaust an enemy by attacking repeatedly


3. vt-- trouble somebody steadily and malevolently: to assail somebody in a steady and sinister way
4. vt law-- harass somebody persistently: to harass somebody criminally by persistent, inappropriate, and unwanted attention, e.g. by constantly following, telephoning, e-mailing, or writing to him or her

I think googling a name or screen name for the sole purpose to telling a forum in New York City some poster from a thousand miles away is a sex offender. Seriously who in NYC gives a flying flitter about that? But those actions are persistent. Lets see, following, check, persistence, check, malevolent, check, constant, check, inappropriate and unwanted, check and check, repeated attacks, check and check.

She then admits she was there to bother him:

"Do you need to be speaking to me for me to respond to your statements ***?
That's a new one on me. Nevertheless I WAS addressing YOU."

Before I finish, though, an ironic statement by Stitches of the seventy and seven:

"Religion isn't the issue, political affiliation isn't the issue, race certainly isn't the issue. The issue is about good and evil. You might can cure a mentally disturbed individual, but you can't cure evil. There is no cure for dumbass either."

Thankfully there is a cure for both evil,and dumbass, or we'd have to give up on absolute zero united.

(PS: for examples of persistence, all you have to do is read anywhere Stitches et al. posts, and see who she's bitching at)