I decided that one of my 2008 goals is to wish people Happy Birthday via my blog and, as part of their birthday greeting, share something I love about that person. So, what better time to start than today, January 2nd, with my AZ BFF, Ashley Ferrell Rogers. Ashley and I lived on the same floor as freshmen at BYU ten years ago, and we became instant friends. We lost touch for a long time, then reunited a year or so ago and our friendship just picked right up where it left off. I love how much fun we have together and how easy it is to talk to her. She married a great guy and I've loved reading about their adventures on their blog. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASHLEY!!
I stole this picture from Ashley's blog-- I know, shame.
By the way, if we're not related, chances are that I have no clue when your brithday is, so please don't be shy about letting me know. :) If I hadn't checked Ashley's blog tonight, I would have missed it!