Anyway, I'm just now posting about our Christmastime kickoff adventures from Friday last. As you know, we purchased a grand little tree and I was certainly feeling the Christmas spirit. On Friday evening, the boys and I put on some Christmas tunes and got right to work on our Gingerbread House. I bought the kit at Michael's (some year I will make real gingerbread, but not this year), and the boys and I all decorated together. I think our little house looks good enough to eat!

Chris came home for dinner, then I unwrapped all of our ornaments to hang on our tree. Getting the ornaments out is one of my favorite holiday happenings-- we have such great ornaments! Chris and I get a new ornament each year, usually one that recreates a memory we made during the year. The boys also get one each from us and each of their grandparents. I'll post on some of my favorites later.
This year, Gordy was the chosen hanger of our first ornament-- our sweet Santa.

Such good-looking boys I have! You can see my paper snowflakes on the window in the background-- Chris made one and I made a bunch of intricate snowflakes this year. I really had a good time making them-- I have some fantastically sharp scissors that were perfect for cutting small shapes into my folded paper. It's actually kind of theraputic!
Speaking of snow, it's been an interesting winter in Logan so far. On Friday evening, it snowed a little, then a lot on Saturday, nothing on Sunday or Monday, then today it was warm enough to nearly melt it all. Apparently the "White Christmas" thing is still up in the air.
The boys were pretty excited about the snow, so Chris gave them each snowballs to eat or throw. Tom looks like he is contemplating which route to go...