
It has been a long-held understanding at my house that, with very few exceptions, bedtime for children is 8:00 PM. Although bedtime is 8, it has also been a long-held understanding that the kids rarely go to sleep right away. As long as they stay in their room with no screaming, I don't have a problem with them staying up. Some days, this is the only time that they actually get along.

Last night, for example, I heard Thomas and Gordon playing in their room well after 9:00 PM. They finally quieted down, and after he came home from work, Chris went in to tuck them in. This is what he found:

I'm not sure if Gordon climed out of his crib by himself or if he had help, but this little scene is too cute to care! I love that they are such cute brothers!

I do think it's time to face the inevitable: Gordon needs to move to a big boy bed.