No more American Idol...

I'll admit it: I have, in the past, been a big fan of American Idol. I religiously watched the first season (Thomas was a baby!) and even taped the second and third seasons. The past few years, I have not been quite as involved, and after tonight, I'm ready to swear off the show forever. I wasn't a huge Stephanie fan or anything (she was voted off, in case you missed it), but the thought of watching another installment of Sanjaya butchering another song makes me nauseated. I guess it's a good thing I'm not watching AI anymore-- I have much better things to do with my time, right?!

Thomas starts soccer practice tomorrow and he could not be more excited. Today he wanted to put on his full uniform and practice in the backyard. We played for a little bit and I discovered that he has an interesting way of scoring. He counted a goal for himself when he kicked the ball to the fence; after his first score, he said, "Yes! Twenty to zero!" My score was when I kicked the ball over to the other side. Did I get twenty points? Nope-- "Oh man! You're out of bounds!"

For some reason, the bruise on Gordon's left eye doesn't look nearly as bad in the picture as it does in real life! He tried to pull a puzzle off a shelf in his closet and it fell right onto his face. The poor little thing just seems to collect battle scars, doesn't he?