Death info on Lottie Harper

Lottie Blair Lewis Hodson Harper was a half-sister to Birda.
They shared the same father (Siney Lewis Sr) but Lottie came through a second wife, Elizabeth Blair.

From personal albums of Dallas Workman
According to these documents the following dates apply:
BIRTH: 28 Dec 1877- Holladay, Salt Lake, Utah
DEATH: 24 Sept 1907- Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
She was 30 years old when she died after childbirth.
*Exact birth date and place is derived from family records and a 1900 census. I have not yet confirmed with the original source material, but plan to soon.

 Local death notice:
SOURCE: Vernal Express 1907, Oct 4, p.1
Local death notice transcribed:
Siney Lewis and wife have gone to Salt Lake on a sad mission.  Their daughter, Mrs. Harper died in that city September 27th leaving two children, one of which is a young baby.  They will bring the children home with them.
*Punctuation added where I saw fit.  Date of death mentioned does not correspond with death certificate.

 Death Certificate:
SOURCE: Utah State Archives

Record of Death listing:

Funeral notice:
SOURCE: Deseret News 1907, Sept 26, p.10, col 1
Funeral notice transcribed:
Funeral of Mrs. Harper- Mrs. Lottie E. Harper, wife of Joseph P. Harper, late of Vernal, Utah, was buried this afternoon from the undertaking parlor of E.W. Hall.  Mrs. Harper died Tuesday at the Keogh-Hammond hospital.  Beside the husband, a son five years old and a babe of three days, survive her.  Mrs. Harper was about 40 years of age.
*Middle initial and her age do not echo other documents- an assumed set of typos?