Cape Cod Museum of Art

In July 2012 our whole family visited the Cape Cod Museum of Art in Dennis, Massachusetts.

I was inspired to make our first visit there by a special exhibit coordinated with the New Britian Museum of American Art to make the largest exhibit of fine art by artists who painted at Provincetown, Cape Cod, which has been known as an artist colony. It was called "The Tides of Provincetown: Two Hundred Years of Cape Cod Art". Most impressive were the long descriptions with each painting that explained about the artist and the history, they were much longer than traditionally used by museums.

After snapping some photos with my iPhone I spotted the sign that said photography was banned so I don't have much that I can legally show here, to show what I have would be copyright infringement, so, they are absent.

I wound up purchasing the coffee table book to go along with the temporary exhibit because I realized there is a lot to learn and just not enough time to do it in that one visit. I was surprised at the artists who visited Provincetown and who made art while there, this display was not just about locals, it was also about famous artists who visited P-town.

If my kids learned one thing while there the trip will have been worthwhile. I personally loved the exhibit and could have spent much more time there really looking at each painting. Since the art spanned many styles of art it was a bit like viewing art along a timeline with everything from portraits, impressionism, modern, pop art, and abstract art.

Outside is a sculpture garden and an English cottage style garden which featured, of course, blue hydrangeas that are so popular on Cape Cod.

The one below, Wash-a-shore, actually is oriented incorrectly, it needs to turn 45 degrees to the right to make it vertical. I apologize but Blogger is not cooperating with me.
