Another History Lesson...
Anyway, here's a rundown...
20 Years ago, in 1988, I was a spritely little 4th grader in Redding, CA. My most memorable events of this time in my life were 1) getting in trouble for talking one too many times in Mr. Cropsey's class and having to sit in the back of the assembly with the other misfits and 2) hearing my first Bon Jovi song, played by the older and much more mature (10, I think) neighbor, Leigh Aldridge. The song was "You give Love a bad name," and I still remember feeling like such a rebel for loving it. Little did she know, Leigh was starting a lifelong love affair. He he... ♥
10 Years ago, in 1998, I was a freshman at BYU, and spent most of my time eating peanut butter M&Ms and those pink-frosted sugar cookies, sleeping, and failing Accounting. I did listen to a lot of Beastie Boys and Fiona Apple, and I had the coolest roommate ever, ever, ever. Oh yeah, and I was newly engaged to the cutest bushy-browed boy in the world! The thing that first attracted me to Chris: he made me laugh. Funny how that still works. ♥
5 Years ago, in 2003, Chris was getting ready to graduate from the University of Utah and we were discussing the possibility of moving to the Seattle area. Thomas was a sweet little 18-month-old, and we loved living across the street from a park. I was a member of a small writing group that still holds a special place in my heart. ♥
3 Years ago, in 2005, we were living in Lake Stevens, WA, where the snow doesn't stick. Thomas was a student at Sunnyside Preschool, Chris was the Assistant Editor at the Lake Stevens Journal, and I worked from home for Mrs. Fields. I was expecting Gordy Roo. It seems like we watched a lot of movies that year, especially since my brother, Jake, lived with us for a while and worked at Hollywood video. We had fun. We bought a new bed-- a pillow top-- which I still adore. ♥
1 Year ago, in 2007, we were still setting up shop in our new house here in Logan. I had also just started working for Harris Research. We bought a sweet little kitty, Schroeder, who, sadly, didn't last too long against the busy street behind our house. You can check out other February 2007 events here! ♥
So far this year, there isn't too much you don't already know...
Yesterday, in our efforts to simplify, we had our land line shut off. If you didn't get the e-mail regarding how to get a hold of us (cells), let me know. Also, I watched my friend's little girl for a couple of hours in the evening and got a huge kick about how different she was from my boys! I dug her glittery pink shoes. ♥
Today, Thomas went to a friend's house after school, so I had some one-on-one time with Gord. We played cars and dinosaurs, ate snacks, and told the same "why did the chicken cross the road?" joke over and over again. We received zero calls from telemarketers.
Right now, I'm changing the channel because I can't stand to watch one more American Idol loser sing (why do they make them do that?!?). And I'm blogging for the third day in a row. ♥
We've said that we really should keep a journal of all of my funny nicknames, but I forget about it until we can't remember what Chris called me two or three weeks ago because it has changed. Maybe this will be a good start. Here are some of the ones I can recall today:
Lorna, Strenna, Stroud, Lunesta, Lunar Meadows, Roan, Spewdamenafens, Peat Swea, Rodafus Mones, Sexican, Beeleesta, Leesta Toasta (and Leesta Toast, and Leesta Toasta one-I-love-the-mosta, but these are all spinoffs of the same one), Yorba Linda, Cortalo Porchesney, Plistafuns, Moon Shad, Post Toastie, Reodesun, Spewdit... the list goes on, but that is all I can think of at the moment. As you can see, there is no rhyme or reason to these nicknames, just a funny guy who likes to make up funny words to call his wife. Oh, and some of these names actually have songs to go along with them!
A couple of funny nickname stories:
When we had been married for a couple of years, we went out to lunch with some friends. Our car was dirty, and Chris had written "LEESTA" with his finger on one of the windows. One of our friends had just learned that she was expecting, and when she and her husband saw the name on our window, they got all excited and were talking about naming their baby Leesta if it was a girl. Luckily, they had a boy, so as far as we know, "Leesta" remains a silly nickname and not some poor child's name.
Chris also has nicknames for the boys. One day in church, while walking a young Thomas to nursery, Chris said, "Come on, Tim," which is short for Timmer or Timodasee, two of Tom's common nicknames. A man behind Chris with his nursery-aged little girl said, "Come on honey, let's go with Tim." Chris didn't even try to explain why he was calling his son, Tom, Tim.
As for me, I also call Chris nicknames, but I only have a few that I use and they are far less imaginative than Chris's. Mainly, I call him "Hunsty".
A History Lesson

Grampuh has a really cool art book about the Constitution. As you can see, the boys were absolutely riveted!

So, Saturday, we woke up and drove down to Salt Lake, well, West Jordan, to be exact. Gardner Village is one of those fun places that is a Hansen tradition, so we were excited to be able to meet up with Gary and Marilyn, Emily and Abby, and Amanda, Tyler and Lizzy. Emily and Abby were heading home to Colorado that afternoon, so we were glad we had a chance to squeeze in one last visit.
Our favorite stores at Gardner Village are (in order of importance): 1)the candy store, 2) the toy store (I think it's called Storybook Nook), and 3) the Christmas store. I like the crafty stuff as well, but I was speaking of the Hansen collective. The candy store is our favorite stop because everyone gets to pick a treat, and the selection is just fabulous.
Kids in a candy store, literally...

Gordon picked Jelly Belly jelly beans, Thomas got a bubblegum-flavored rock candy sucker, Chris got some funky seafoam candy, and I opted for the fudge. Delish.
After a brief stroll around the other, less interesting stores, Chris, Tom, Gary and Tyler took off to go to a Utah basketball game. We took a few last pictures with Emily and Abby before they left.

After the boys left, the girls and Gord did a bit more strolling. Gordon loved pushing Abby's stroller, although he was a little too short to steer well.

We spent the rest of the day at the Hansen's, just having fun with Amanda and her great little kiddos. The boys had so much fun sliding down the stairs on their bellies-- Gordon was the ringleader and, I thought, quite hilarious to watch. Those boys sure have a great time together! One of these days I'll have to take a picture of Marilyn's "Grammuh Room"-- it really is a little slice of heaven for these kids!
It was a nice, relaxing Saturday. Before the day was out, I made Chris take a self-portait with me, just in case you forgot what we look like. :)

Two Questions...
1) Does my header look okay on your screen? It looks fine on my home computer, but a girl at work was looking at my blog and I noticed that my header stretches over the pink background part. Does it do that on yours too? Let me know so I can re-size next month's if necessary.
2) I was planning to do a St. Patty's Day theme for March, but somehow Easter decided to show up less than a week later. (Who made that decision anyway?) So, should I continue with my green-kiss-me-I'm-partly-Irish theme, or go straight for Easter? Or just Spring? Do you care? :)
Responses appreciated. Gracias.
Fun with the Hansen Side
Anyway, last week we had a fun and eventful week with Chris's family. Emily, Chris's sister, and her sweet little Abby, were visiting Gary and Marilyn for the week, so on Monday, they all came up to Logan to spend the afternoon with us. We ate lunch at the best restaurant in Logan, Le Nonne, which serves the most delicious authentic Italian cuisine. Younger sisters at BYU who are studying Italian this semester should really come up to visit. Italian-speaking boyfriends also invited.) Mmmmm... after more than a week, I am still remembering the deliciousness. Afterward, we hung around our house for a little bit and played some Cluzzle. We always have such a fun time with Emily and Abby, so we really appreciated that they made the trip up to Logan. Laziness prevented me from taking pictures.
On Wednesday, we went down to Salt Lake to attend the funeral of my sister-in-law, Amanda's grandmother, Libbie Lambert. Chris grew up in the same neighborhood as Libbie (and Amanda), and felt like one of her surrogate grandchildren. I'd only met her a few times, but I have to tell you that her funeral had a very profound impression on me. She was the kind of person one aspires to be, and I felt very grateful to hear about the amazing legacy she left for all who were associated with her. Imagine if we all lived our lives so that a stranger attending our funeral would be touched to want to be a better person? It was a great experience, and I'm so glad we were able to attend.
Amanda and her two adorable kids, Tyler and Lizzy, arrived in Salt Lake on Tuesday, so we had the chance to see them as well. I always love it when our kids can hang out with their cute cousins!
Tyler, Thomas and Gordon were just best buddies right away. It's always fun to see how the different personalities mesh together, and I'm glad to say that these boys are a perfect match!

Little Miss Lizzy is the sweetest thing ever! We love her dark hair and her soft baby smell. Mmm, you know me and baby smells...

Chris and I took advantage of the willing baby-sitters and went to the Temple after the funeral. It's always a nice, calming experience, and I'm grateful to Marilyn and Emily for giving us the opportunity.
Later Wednesday evening, Gary and Marilyn took us to Mazza, a middle-eastern restaurant in Salt Lake. I have to admit that I'm still a little undecided on middle-eastern spices. The hummus was tasty, and my chicken pita was pretty good, but I ended up eating about a half a bottle of Tums later that night. Too much information?
The kids were really good at the restaurant! Especially Tyler-- he actually put his own napkin on his lap! I couldn't believe what a well-mannered little boy he is!

Meanwhile, my little demon was doing this...

Ah, everyone loves the candid shot at a restaurant.

We had a really wonderful day with the Hansens! We went back down to Salt Lake on Saturday, so more on that tomorrow!
In the meantime, here are some tidbits from my everyday life:
I think that's it. Happy Tuesday night-- more blogging from me tomorrow!!
Hiawatha Connection
Joyce Mathie’s friends say she doesn’t know the meaning of mandatory retirement. At age 71, she’s still working at Sargent Steam, the business she founded at age 57, when most of her friends were already anticipating their last day of work.
“My house and car were paid for. My children were raised. In many ways, it was the perfect time. And if something speaks to your spirit, you become good at it.”
The concept of sales first spoke to Mathie’s spirit in 1972. Back then, she taught new Bernina owners how to operate their sewing machines. It was an exciting time for her — an era when many women sewed all of their own clothes along with the outfits their children wore.
But as much as Mathie enjoyed demonstrating blind hems and zigzag stitches, the seeds of her entrepreneurial future were already sprouting in her mind. She saw that while she worked in the Bernina store, teaching the “customer care class” and rearranging fabrics and patterns, men who sold sewing machines on commission made a lot more money than she did.
“I want to sell the machine,” she told her boss. But when he replied, “Housewives can’t sell,” Mathie felt angry. Her boss emphasized that while working in the store, she didn’t really demonstrate salesmanship – she only “got the naturals.” “I learned that he was right,” Mathie admits. “But so was I.”
One day, a salesman brought a series of Tom Hopkins’ sales tapes to the Bernina store. “The way they sold the tapes then was that they dropped them off, saying they would be back for them in a week,” Mathie recalls. After listening to the tapes briefly, she urged her boss to buy them, feeling sure that they would enhance her sales skills.
“People think that pushy salesman are born, but sales is like any other skill – it’s learned,” says Mathie.
From the tapes, she learned how to ask for orders and how to close a sale with a final question that might be, “Are you ready to go ahead today?”
She adds, “After you ask that last closing question, be quiet. People think that to be a salesman, you have to talk a lot. In reality, if you are good at sales, you listen a lot.”
She says that salespeople learn to read whether a prospect is truly engaged in what they are selling. “If you were looking at a Bernina, and hadn’t even made your mind up whether you wanted one, if I started cutting the price, it would mean absolutely nothing unless you wanted it.
“You learn to verbally dance with people when you sell. You can’t win them all.” But when a salesperson closes a sale that she knows is a hard one, she feels elated, and the thrill is great, says Mathie. “ It’s the most fun profession I can think of.”
Today, Mathie’s entrepreneur daughter, Debbie Chidester, is proud that her mother pursued her sales ambition. “She had to buck the owner of the company, but she envisioned that women could sell if they did it differently from the men who were already selling from the store.”
Mathie gathered the information she had learned about sewing and developed the concept of demonstrating sewing machines at home parties. When a client at the store became excited over stitching a beautiful patched pocket or spaghetti strap, Mathie said, “You ought to have a few of your friends come to your home for a demonstration. We’ll also give you $25 to spend in the store like money.”
The home party experience further honed Mathie’s sales skills.
She sold sewing machines at home parties for 10 years. During that time, she also demonstrated the machines at home economics classes in high schools and middle schools.
Meanwhile, a cultural change took place. More and more women who once sewed shelled edges on tricot or serged their children’s T-shirt seams now worked outside the home.
“There was far less time to sew,” she says.
Leaving Bernina in 1984, she completed a “fitting” class in New York and became a home based dressmaker for two years. Then – although she returned to her love of sales in a variety of endeavors – the spark wasn’t the same.
“They just didn’t make my heart sing,” Mathie recalls. “I was kind of lost during the next 10 years. It wasn’t the happiest time of my life.”
The life-changing day that led to starting her own business hardly seemed hopeful. She was standing in a state fair trade show booth. Her feet hurt and her back ached. She didn’t want to be there. But suddenly she caught a glimpse of Peter Foss, the marketing director she’d worked with at Bernina. The cultural change had affected him, too, he wasn’t selling as many knitting machines as before. “People didn’t want to sit home and knit any more,” Mathie says.
Foss asked Mathie to test market a new product he had just brought back from Switzerland. It was the first steam cleaner made available in the United States.
“It turns water into steam, which we found melts away the dirt,” says Mathie. She and her husband, Alex, “took that machine home and played with it. We both love good tools, and we literally fell in love with it.” Because she suffers from fibromyalgia, “getting down on my hands and knees was a joke,” says Mathie.
Because the Sargent Steam machine included extensions that made it possible to clean all surfaces while sitting or standing – even from a wheelchair if necessary – it made it possible for Mathie to clean her home. She shared the machine with her friends and relatives, and gave each of her children one for Christmas.
She began selling the machine from her home. In three years, she hired an assistant and doubled her sales staff. In 1998, she officially started her own business. She kept the name, Sargent Steam, because it was the same as the toll-free number Foss had originated. In 2000, she leased a building.
In August 2001, she bought her own building, doubling her space. That same year, she generated 1.3 million in sales. Mountain West Venture Group named her company as the 31st fastest growing company in Utah.
How did she repeat the earlier success she had enjoyed with Bernina? “Joyce is 71, but she keeps going like a 41-year-old businesswoman, which gives meaning to her life,” says Dian Thomas, TV personality and author who has coached Mathie about public relations. “One thing I admire about Joyce is that she is willing to learn anything and find new answers and new ways to do things. The computer world may challenge her, but she’s taking seminars and learning and growing.”
“Joyce has the vision, passion and energy that it takes to be a true entrepreneur – she’s an example of the American dream,” says Foss, who is now adjunct professor in strategy for MBA students at Westminster College and executive director of International for Urana. “If America had a lot of Joyces, our country wouldn’t be lagging behind, and we could really get America to the next level rather than waiting for China or India to move ahead of us. She has a clear purpose, clear mission and her vision and values are in place.”
Thomas further admires Mathie’s attitude and her confidence in becoming an entrepreneur “before women did that.” Mathie adds, “I’ve always admired strong women.” As a girl, her favorite book characters were strong women, such as Dorothy in the “Wizard of Oz.” Part of the appeal of her current business was that it could empower women both inside and outside the home.
Today, two of Mathie’s four daughters own their own businesses, and one works for her. “Both my parents were very strong and taught us there was nothing we couldn’t do,” says Debbie Chidester, who owns a specialty food company. And Mathie partially attributes her success to her own parents who instilled self-confidence and taught her to follow her own path.
“I’m also grateful to my boss at Bernina. I turned his negative attitude into my positive action and learned valuable skills that prepared me to take risks. That job provided me the experience that became the foundation I used to create my own company.”
Finley Funeral
Vera Elizabeth Finley | ||
Published in the Salt Lake Tribune on 2/24/2008. |
Tags: Wife of Max Finley
Hiawatha & Memories
He was returning home on that bright spring day
To that small coal town where he used to play.
Stories he had heard of its slow demise,
But what he found was a shock to his eyes!
As he drove up the road the houses were gone.
There were now tumble weeds where there used to be lawn.
The trees, mostly dead, stood stark and bare.
That the town was gone just did not seem fair.
The few buildings that were left were stark and alone
The wind whistling through did cause them to moan.
The windows were broken and doors hung askew.
He almost wept in anguish at the dastardly view.
The town was Hiawatha, where he had spent his youth,
What he would call it now would be something uncouth.
He thought to himself, as up the road he did drive
This place now dead was once very much alive.
The kids used to run and play on Silk-Stocking Row
Now on the dead grass stood a buck and a doe.
String Town he traveled in his car much to fast
He had wonderful memories of things from the past.
He drove by the store, post office and hall
They were about to fall down—everything—all.
He traveled down Main Street to see the demise
Went by the bathhouse with tears in his eyes.
He drove to West Hiawatha, on up to the mine
The year etched on the portal was 1909.
The gate hung askew on hinges of rust
Because of the condition he almost cussed.
He thought to himself as down the canyon he ran,
This trip for me, brought childhood memories to a man.
This town makes me ill, it is gone, it is dead.
He loved so much the past that was in the back of his head!
It all looks so decrepit, and worn out and so small
It was not what he remembered, no, not even at all.
He hurriedly went by where the school used to stand.
Where he learned many things and he played in the band.
He passed the spot where the tipple once ground
The black “King Coal” that was dug from the ground.
The tipple was gone now and its place looked bleak
He stepped on the gas and left like a streak.
As he drove through the cedars, his mind wandered back
To the tipple, the school, mine office and track.
He thought as he traveled the road from the town
He could never, no never, go back to his hometown.
Written by:
Wallace R, Baldwin
After a trip to Hiawatha, Utah
25 April 2002
Bill Burgess
Hiawatha--Deseret News Article
Little Carbon County coal town lives on in many hearts
By Carma Wadley
Deseret News senior writer
From start to finish, Hiawatha[0] was a company town. From top to bottom, it was owned and operated by U.S. Fuel Co. Hiawatha[0] was a coal town; and like so many of the little towns of the early 20th century, its fortunes rose and fell with the vagaries of the energy market.
Dan[0] Miller, left, and Wally Baldwin explore the post office, where magazines and papers still lie scattered. Chuck Wing, Deseret News |
And yet, it seems, something about Hiawatha[0] burrowed itself into the hearts and souls of nearly everyone who lived there. Once a Hiawathan, always a Hiawathan. Once a member of that small, tight-knit community, you could never, ever entirely leave it. The town was shut down in the early 1990s, when the last of the coal mines ceased operation. By then, only a handful of homes and buildings remained, and in 1992, 18 of those — deemed unsafe by the company — were bulldozed.
Eventually the area was sold by U.S. Fuels to the Hiawatha[0] Coal Co., which has other holdings in Carbon County. A few scattered buildings and offices still stand. A gate across the road announces that this is a "closed industrial facility," private property unaccessible to the public without permission.
"What they say, about you can't go home again — that's sure true of Hiawatha[0]," says Baldwin. "Everyone who goes up there comes back crying at what's been done."
And yet — even as he looks out over the weed-choked fields and empty hollows — he remembers the good times.
He's not alone.
Twice a month, a couple dozen or so men who used to live in Hiawatha[0] meet at the Grecian Gardens restaurant in Salt Lake, to have breakfast and reminisce about the time they spent in the little coal town.
Former residents of Hiawatha meet twice a month at a restaurant in Salt Lake City to have breakfast and reminisce. Paul Barker, Deseret News |
The memories are like bits of brightly colored glass that fit together to form a kaleidoscopic design. As one man starts talking, the others chip in, adding details and richness to the story.
The men range in age from their mid-60s to their early-80s. Some are related, by blood or by marriage. They have divergent interests, yet they all share common bonds.
For one thing, they all have nicknames: Whitey (a k a Harold Mason), Blackie (Merlin Blackburn), Punjab (Clarence Allred), Touch (that was Baldwin's). "Somehow, everyone got a nickname while they were growing up," says Dan "Kiabab" Miller. "And they stuck. That's still how we know each other."
They talk of growing up in a town that was divided by ethnic and other boundaries, yet had a cohesiveness that was unequalled elsewhere.
"We had Swede Town and Greek Town," says Mike "Spudnut" Orphanakis. "There was String Road and Silk Stocking Row — that was where all the bigwigs lived. East Hiawatha[0] was actually north of West Hiawatha[0]. There was Tram Town and Flat Town and Railroad Town and others." Everyone was identified by where they came from, he says, but it didn't make any difference where that was.
"We had every nationality in the book," adds Pete "Petroff" Petrutakis. "But nobody felt segregated. All the kids just wanted to be buddies. That attitude is what built America, and we grew up in that atmosphere in this small town."
Railroad-crossing signal is a reminder of days not long ago when coal was regularly shipped out of Hiawatha[0]. Chuck Wing, Deseret News |
Every summer, remembers Glenn "Coogie" Davis, the kids would get together and build a swimming hole up the canyon, diverting water into the foundation of an old building and damming it off. "Every year the company would come along and blow it up, and every year we'd build it back. That water was so cold, but we sure had fun there."
Holidays had their special traditions, as well. "Some houses had indoor plumbing, but a lot still had outhouses," explains Don "Bud" Reaveley. "That made Halloween a lot of fun," interjects Neilson. "Say," asks Reaveley, "who was in that outhouse the last time we rolled it down the hill?"
Nothing, however, created quite the interest that baseball did. Norman "Tucker" Lowe actually came to Hiawatha[0] specifically to play baseball. "My brother came out first from Arkansas (he had seven brothers; practically had their own team in Coalhill, Ark.) and he told me Hiawatha[0] has the best team. I came two weeks later."
He got a job "picking bony," which meant sorting the rocks out of the coal. But he loved Hiawatha[0], he says. "I was only there for five years, but they were the best five years. I met some of the finest people in the world there."
All the little coal towns has a baseball team, and they played against each other. "We won the championship almost every year," says Lowe. "Everyone in town wore black and orange baseball caps," remembers Blackburn.
Weeds encroach upon the old company store, one of only a few buildings in the town that have not been razed. Chuck Wing, Deseret News |
"Yeah," laughs Lowe. "I was a catcher. That meant I had a good arm and a bad head."
But Orphanakis wasn't too bad, either. In fact, he signed a contract with the New York Giants — and broke his leg two weeks before he was supposed to report to camp.
But, he says, even if he didn't go on to fame and fortune, a lot of prominent people did come out of Hiawatha[0]. Doctors, lawyers, educators. One Hiawathan won the Medal of Honor as a Navy pilot in World War II; another flew with the Air Force Thunderbirds.
Archie "Arch" McCarrie became a school principal. "I was a hellion when I was in school there. I went back one time after I got appointed principal. I saw my fourth-grade teacher, and told him I was now a principal in the Granite district. He pointed his bony finger at me. 'God is punishing you for how you acted,' he said."
Baldwin has established a Web site, and he gets e-mails from all over the country from people who lived there or whose parents or grandparents lived there.
Every August, Price holds a "Hiawatha[0] Day" reunion. "But there are about more people that live here than there now," says Lowe.
Dan Miller looks out over today's Hiawatha[0] during a recent visit. "It's like MacArthur's old soldiers," he says "It's just fading away."
Dan Miller wanders through the cemetery in Hiawatha. He said the town is just "fading away." Chuck Wing, Deseret News |
To the outsider, it's hard to believe that so much activity, so many houses and buildings once filled the narrow valley. Nothing remains of String Row, where Baldwin used to live. Nothing is left of East Hiawatha[0], where Miller grew up.
The buildings that do remain evoke rich memories:
The Amusement Hall: "where we did everything," says Baldwin. One night, a dance; the next night a movie. "That's where we played basketball. The rafters were so low, we all had to learn to shoot straight. Other teams would come in and try to loft the ball and they'd hit the rafters. Gave us an advantage, I guess."
The post office: still filled with scattered magazines and canceled checks. "Mail was kind of self-service in those days. Anyone who was going to Price would pick up the mail for everyone," remembers Miller.
The old jail: "The rumor was that the guy who built the jail got paid off and got in a fight and ended up being the first prisoner," laughs Miller "Sure couldn't put anyone in here now; the ACLU would be on you," adds Baldwin.
The old mine entries, labeled 1909 and 1914: As a boy, Baldwin worked a day-and-a-half in the mine. "I couldn't stand the claustrophobia. They gave me a tipple job instead."
The tipple, where coal was sorted, once a major landmark in the town, is now gone. As is the old school. "We went to school through the ninth grade here, then we got bused to Price," explains Baldwin. "We'd always ride the bus in the morning, but we'd hitch a ride home after school. We always beat the bus."
Coal dust was a fact of life. One of the things Baldwin remembers most vividly was the contrast between the black dust and the white snow in the winter. "It, of course, transferred to your car, your clothes, your feet and your house. It was impossible to keep it out or off, but not many complained, because 'Coal was King.' "
Baldwin was actually born in Mohrland, but when that mine closed in 1938 his family moved to Hiawatha[0]. His dad had a teaching degree, "but he couldn't make enough to live on, so he got a job at the weigh shack. . . . He'd come home and tell us that a hundred coal cars left town on that day. Each car held 40 to 50 tons."
The men remember how everyone took their vacation at the same time. "The mine shut down for two weeks, usually in July, and the whole town went camping. It was called a 'miner's vacation.' And we also used to all go picnicking down on Hamburger Flats," says Miller.
Tumbleweeds play there now.
"I can't believe how all the vegetation has moved in" he says. "You'd hardly know there was a town here."
The twice-monthly breakfasts started last September. Miller called up Lowe and invited him out for a cup of coffee. "Then Pete retired, and we invited him. Then we just kept adding others." Somebody knew somebody else. They all wanted to come talk about old times.
Miller, left, and Baldwin pass by the old school, which students attended through ninth grade[0]. Chuck Wing, Deseret News |
At a recent breakfast, the men voted to have a luncheon and invite the wives — many of whom are from the area. "A lot of us married 'swamp angels.' That's what we called girls from the other towns," says Davis.
But mostly the men just want to share the camaraderie with each other.
"Remember deer hunting?" asks Clyde "Dopey" Reaveley. "Everyone went hunting. The whole town shut down. It was the biggest thing in town, like a national holiday."
"Remember when a lone car came down the tramway?" asks Neilson. "That was the terror of the town. You knew someone had been hurt or killed. The whole town would panic and run out to see what happened."
"I made that trip once," says Lowe. "Luckily I wasn't hurt bad. Quite a few got killed."
"My dad was on the rescue team at Castle Gate," adds Neilson. "He never liked to talk about it much though."
Life, death, love, sport. Ordinary topics that take on extraordinary meaning to the group.
"I loved that place," says Mason. "If it was still going, I'd move back."
"Everyone knew everyone; everyone took care of everyone," says Arthur "Ken" Allred.
"We're not living the past," says Davis, "but you can tell we all have happy memories."
"It keeps us young," says Orphanakis. "It was the funnest little town. Not a day goes by that I don't think about it."
Hiawatha Fire
Firefighters from Price, Helper, Wellington and Huntington responded to a fire at the old cultural hall in Hiawatha last Thursday evening. Two fire trucks from each municipality, three ambulances and two water trucks from the county responded to the call.
Chief Kent Boyack of the Price City fire department said the fire started when a chimney from a furnace overheated. The surrounding insulation ignited and the blaze spread from there.
With no working fire hydrants in the community, the only water available was in the fire trucks. Firefighters refilled some of the trucks by pumping water from a shallow creek east of town. When tanker trucks from the county arrived, responders refilled the trucks. But with the building already engulfed in flames, attention turned to two neighboring buildings, the old post office and the old United States Fuel Company administration offices. The post office was reported to be vacant, but there were people living in the office building.
Firefighters let the cultural hall burn, but saved the two adjacent buildings, which suffered smoke and heat damage.
Boyack said that four minors allegedly were in the cultural hall. The parents had reportedly left for Florida that morning and left a 16-year-old in charge of three younger children. Carbon County Sheriff Lt. Roy Robinson said the Division of Child and Family Services was called to handle the case.
One firefighter suffered from smoke inhalation, but there were no other injuries or fatalities reported.
Boyack said that the actual cost of damages is unknown because the department has been unable to contact the occupants to determine what was in the building. He estimated damages to be around $100,000.
Hiawatha Soldier
Mario DiCaro, Gary Latour, Bill Gigliotti and Sandy Diamanti fold an American flag during ceremonies dedicating a new marker at the Price City Cemetery for Elmer Louis Wilson, a World War I veteran who died in January 1931. Apparently, the family from Hiawatha was not able to make arrangements for a marker when Wilson died. But in the last few months, with the assistance of local military groups, the family members were able to secure a government veteran gravestone for Wilson. The ceremony took place on Veterans Day. The dedication took place after the yearly program honoring veterans and people presently serving in the military at the Peace Garden in downtown Price.
Short Story
The following story was written in 1930 by the Teachers, Pupils and Patrons of the Carbon District. Please, read the foreword about this project. If anyone knows the names of the writers of these stories please notify Kathy Hamaker so credit can be given to those that deserve the credit.
Hiawatha nestles at the foot of Gentry Mountain, two arms of which seem to reach out and almost encircle the town. It is located eighteen miles southwest of Price and ten miles off the State Highway, which passes from Price through Emery County to Salina in Sevier County. The elevation of Hiawatha is 7,180 feet.
The first settler was an Austrian by the name of Smith. He located a ranch on the present site of Hiawatha and the traces of some of his dugouts may still be seen in the wash a few hundred feet from the present teachers' dormitory. All other buildings which he may have erected have long since been torn down and forgotten.
The development of the mining industry in the mountains adjoining was the reason for the founding of Hiawatha as a community. In 1908 F.E. Sweet, present owner of Standardville property, opened a mine on the middle fork of Miller Creek. He called this camp Hiawatha. Later two other mining men, Browning and Eccles by name, opened a mine in what is now Hiawatha property and called that camp Black Hawk.
The first houses in the community were erected in what is now known as Greek town. In 1911 sixteen houses were built east of the railroad tracks. The houses along the tramway were built in 1912 and 1913. A year later the houses west of the present school house were erected.
In 1911 the citizens of Hiawatha circulated a petition, which was signed by 70 voters, asking that the town be incorporated. This was granted, and on Sept. 26, of that year, the city government was established. Henry E. Lewis was the first president of the town board and Geo. E. Haymond, Dr. J.E. Dowd, Dr. J. R. Fleming and D. Johnson were the members of the Board. There were 435 people in Hiawatha, eighty-nine being voters.
The U.S. Fuel Company purchased and consolidated the two mines in 1912. The headquarters of the company were established in Black Hawk. Both towns, Hiawatha and Black Hawk, had post offices. In 1915 the post office at Hiawatha was closed and the town government was moved to Black Hawk following the consolidation. The name of the entire community was changed to Hiawatha. This is still the trade name of the coal shipped from the West Hiawatha mine.
In 1908 when the mine was opened on Miller Creek, Ruben G. Miller owned all of the water rights. It was necessary for the consolidated Fuel Company to purchase Miller's water rights, and the ranch owned by him, in order to get water for the camp. The Smith ranch was purchased as a town site for Black Hawk. When the mines were first opened good judgment was used in the laying out and development of the property. The room and pillar method was used and on account of existing conditions it was the best method. When the mines were first opened all the mining was done by hand. Shortly after this time undercutting machines were purchased. These machines travel on a truck and can thus be taken to any part of the mine which has a track. When a place is to be cut the machine is unloaded from the truck and set to the face of the coal. The machines are so constructed that they can dig their way back under the coal for a distance of six or seven feet. The faces are then drilled, shot down, and loaded out by men.
In 1917 a machine was procured which would cut the coal on the top. The coal was drilled and shot up from the bottom. This method did not prove to be successful because the bottom shots would break slate loose from the floor and mix it with the coal. Bottom cutters have been used since that time. During 1929 a new type of machine was put on the market which would cut the bottom, turn half over and shear the face down the center. One of those machines is now operating in King No. 1 mine.
The loading of the coal in the mine cars was done entirely by hand until 1917. At this time several types of mechanical loaders were put on the market. Two of these loaders were tried out in King No. 1 mine. Both proved to be failures. From then until 1925 all the coal was loaded by man power. At this time other types of loading machines were purchased which proved to be successful and for the past four years over 50% of all the coal mined has been loaded mechanically. The loading machine is nothing more than a conveyor which carries the coal from the face to the car. The rotating arms on the front of the machine drag the coal onto the conveyor. This machine is used in rooms and entries. A scraper conveyor is more adaptable to pillar extraction. Two such machines are in use in the King No. 1 mine at the present time. A scraper is a large bucket which is pulled up and down the face of the coal by a hoist and a rope. The coal is pulled into a hopper from which a conveyor carries the coal to the mine car.
From the following figures one can readily see the growth in the coal production of the Black Hawk mine. During the year 1912, 78,769 tons were produced. In 1929 the production had grown to 428,347 tons. King No. 1 mine is very safe from a gas standpoint. It is located high up on the mountain, all the cracks and crevices in the strata over the coal are free from water and in ages past the gas has escaped through these cracks. Gas is usually found in mines which are driven under rivers where the water pressure keeps the cracks sealed.
The first railroad to Hiawatha was built by the Consolidated Fuel Company in 1909. While this road was in operation the railroad headquarters and shops were located in East Hiawatha. Due to the heavy grades and the impossibility of hauling large trains, a new road was built by the Fuel Company in 1914. This road extended from Castle Gate, a distance of 23 miles. The road to Price was abandoned and the steel torn up in 1917.
The town is prosperous and within its limits can be seen the splendid school building, church spires, recreation hall, hotel and store buildings. The profusion of trees, lawns, flowers, and gardens emphasize the pride of the people in their attractive homes. Two hundred twenty-five dollars is given away each year to the owners of the best kept lawns and gardens. The company dairy farms, located at the old Miller ranch insures the employees of a plentiful supply of pure milk and cream. Water from mountain springs is carried to every home in the town through a well installed water system. A modern sewer system aids in sanitation. The town is governed by a Board, with the following members at present: J.P. Russell, President, F. E. Gleason, L.F. Crogan, D.V. Garber and E. E. Wright, trustees. Merrit Brady is Justice of the Peace and Wm. Steckleman is Town Marshall.
Until 1920 when the present school building was erected, considerable difficulty was experienced in housing the pupils. During one year school was held in five different buildings in the town. The teachers had much trouble in finding a places to live or board. The commodious teachers' dormitory solved this problem for the time being but there has been a tendency for many of the more recent teachers to live else where while teaching here or to be recruited during the teacher shortage from local people whose homes are already in Hiawatha.
Information was not available regarding all the names of the school principals, who have directed the local schools. H. A. Dahlsrud was principal for many years but resigned at the close of the year 1945-1946. He was succeeded by R.S. Williams, who is the present principal. Hiawatha has always taken pride in the quality of its schools and community interest and support has been given the Board of Education and its employees.
Possibly one of the greatest needs of a community like Hiawatha is adequate entertainment for its people. The company, realizing this built the amusement hall in 1917 and turned it over to the Y.M.C.A. to operate. This organization had charge of the hall until 1924, when the Hiawatha Welfare Association was organized and given charge of its management. The policy has always been to use this building for the civic improvement and entertainment of the people of the town. Picture shows are operated, dances conducted, road shows encouraged to "make" Hiawatha, and all other types of wholesome entertainment are encourage. At various times during the history of the community, the town has supported baseball and other clubs to occupy the leisure time of its people. Hiawatha has a fine Scout organization and enthusiastic leaders who sponsor it.
Reliable data was not submitted regarding the personnel of the mining Superintendents who have served Hiawatha since the establishment of the camp. James McKim is the present head of the United States Fuel Company properties at Hiawatha.
Our Day o' Love

This little charmer had a special lunch at school, so in addition to the Valentine's Day party, he also got to dress up and eat with the principal in the "library restaurant". Tom got so many Valentine cards (his were the cutest) and way too much candy. He had such a fun day!

And my little present was a new phone-- and look, it's pink!

Chris had to work on Valentine's Day, so we celebrated this weekend by going out with our good friends, Sean and Karin Hunt. We ate a delicious dinner at Hamilton's Steakhouse, then went to the movies. Ah, a night without the kiddies-- now that's a memorable event. Why did I not take pictures?!?
Sweet Things!
One of the things I always have to remind myself when attempting projects like this is that things are going to get messy, and that's okay. I'll admit that it's sometimes hard to let their creativity take over when all I can think about is how difficult it is going to be to scrub that frosting off of my chairs! But, I think I did an okay job of chilling out this time-- and they had so much fun!
As you can see, Gordon becomes a "flour" child when the opportunity arises.

Cookies just aren't complete without the sprinkles!

This is Gord's finished product: a "cookie sandwich". I love it-- what a fun kid!

Thomas didn't hold back at all when it came to sprinkles. The more, the merrier.

Soft, sweet, and perfectly divine!

These are mine. So pretty, and they hardly lasted the day!

This recipe is really awesome. Chris and I brought them to our sunday school class last week and we got all sorts of compliments. Do you want to make some yourself? Well lucky you, the recipe is right here!
How to make a Valentine Box

2. Color, cut, glue, color, stamp, cut, glue, color

3. Don't let Mom help you with the glue. This might cause some problems with your final product. But, ooh, what a lovely picture.

4. Be sure to put your name on your box in big letters so you'll get lots and lots of Valentines.

5. Perfect!

I wanna Rock and Roll all night...
On Saturday the 9th, we went to Pocatello to attend the 25th birthday party of Todd Flatland. Kristie really went all out with a pirate-themed party, including some sweet pirate decorations and a chocolate fountain! I think every party should have a chocolate fountain! My whole family was there, plus several friends and kids, and we had a blast.

Even with the chocolate fountain, the real hit of the party was "Rock Band"-- a video game similar to the widely popular "Guitar Hero", only with a bass guitar, vocals and drums in addition to the guitar. Everyone loved it, and it was hilarious to watch people rock out. I even took a turn on the vocals to (who else) Bon Jovi-- gotta love Dead or Alive! Wooo! Ha ha ha...
Ann-Michelle on vovals, Jake jammin' the guitar

Tom is really good on the guitar! And Todd Freed ruled the drums-- they were harder than they look.

Nicki Stanton and Kristie singing some song I didn't know. If I learned one thing at this party, it's that I'm apparently the only person who hasn't heard of half of these artists... and I guess knowing every Bon Jovi song does not make me cool. Oh well, I still love you Jon Bon Jovi! :)

Those who weren't flexing their rock muscles had fun just hanging out. I love having Jake around-- he's such a fun bro.
Me and the boys...

We got Todd a cool little Zip-O (sp?) lighter-- he is one of these guys who has anything and everything stored in his pocket, so a fancy lighter will certainly come in handy for something. Happy Birthday, Todd, and thanks again for the rockin' party!!