So, Saturday, we woke up and drove down to Salt Lake, well, West Jordan, to be exact. Gardner Village is one of those fun places that is a Hansen tradition, so we were excited to be able to meet up with Gary and Marilyn, Emily and Abby, and Amanda, Tyler and Lizzy. Emily and Abby were heading home to Colorado that afternoon, so we were glad we had a chance to squeeze in one last visit.
Our favorite stores at Gardner Village are (in order of importance): 1)the candy store, 2) the toy store (I think it's called Storybook Nook), and 3) the Christmas store. I like the crafty stuff as well, but I was speaking of the Hansen collective. The candy store is our favorite stop because everyone gets to pick a treat, and the selection is just fabulous.
Kids in a candy store, literally...

Gordon picked Jelly Belly jelly beans, Thomas got a bubblegum-flavored rock candy sucker, Chris got some funky seafoam candy, and I opted for the fudge. Delish.
After a brief stroll around the other, less interesting stores, Chris, Tom, Gary and Tyler took off to go to a Utah basketball game. We took a few last pictures with Emily and Abby before they left.

After the boys left, the girls and Gord did a bit more strolling. Gordon loved pushing Abby's stroller, although he was a little too short to steer well.

We spent the rest of the day at the Hansen's, just having fun with Amanda and her great little kiddos. The boys had so much fun sliding down the stairs on their bellies-- Gordon was the ringleader and, I thought, quite hilarious to watch. Those boys sure have a great time together! One of these days I'll have to take a picture of Marilyn's "Grammuh Room"-- it really is a little slice of heaven for these kids!
It was a nice, relaxing Saturday. Before the day was out, I made Chris take a self-portait with me, just in case you forgot what we look like. :)