A bit of explanation on how Lila Ellen Merkley -- runs into this immediate family circle:
Ellen's mother was Rachel Merkley Murray- she was a sister to Nelson Merkley Jr.
"Rachel Merkley Murray, circa 1902 with hat" From the personal albums of Ellen Fletcher |
For these reasons, confusion crops up when family group sheets are organized as Ellen grew up as part of Nelson and Keturah's family, but she was technically their niece as far as tracing lines goes.
"Mother's Day 1918, Mary M Sander and little Ellen Merkley" From personal albums of Ellen Fletcher |
"Mary Sander and Ellen Merkley- Mother's Day 1918, Vernal" From personal albums of Ellen Fletcher |
"Ellen Merkley 2 years old, 1919 Vernal on the farm" From personal albums of Ellen Fletcher |
"Ellen Merkley, age 4" From personal albums of Sarah Nielsen |
"About 1921- Margret Merkley, Grandfather Nelson Merkley Jr, Ellen Murray Merkley" From personal albums of David Ahrnsbrak |
"Ellen and Keturah, Farmington NM, circa 1932" From personal albums of Ellen Fletcher |
So even though Ellen was a cousin to Asher, she related better to the children of all her cousins, and was considered the eldest of the granddaughters.
Ellen in the 1940's From the personal albums of Ellen Fletcher |
Because Ellen is still living, I'll hold off on posting any other information on her for now. But just for a clarification measure on how she ties in to the family, there you have it.