1. Easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail.
2. Lacking physical or emotional strength; delicate.
3. Lacking substance; tenuous or flimsy: a fragile claim to fame.
It's amazing how fragile we are, and yet so resilient. You see this in nature as well. Despite the harshness of the elements, we find creatures living and reproducing in deserts and arctic regions, adapting to the most challenging conditions.
And yet... the strongest man in the world could stub his toe, get an infection and die if left untreated. Life is remarkably fragile.
Fragile is also the title of an album by the British band Yes which hit the scene when I was in college in the early 70's. The song Roundabout kicked off the opening track. What was especially distinctive about the album was its striking cover art, created by Roger Dean, which defined the look that accompanied their sound over the next several albums.
All this to say that PRØVE Gallery here in Duluth has announced an Open Call for submissions for the upcoming January show, "Fragility."
They describe the origins of their theme like this:
Winter is upon us, and this brings a certain kind of beauty, uncertainty, and fragility. From the snow on the ground, ice in the trees, the dry cold wind, to the mental strain that can only come from the reduced daylight; January is a time that highlights fragility in the Northland. PRØVE Gallery is dedicating this show to celebrating fragility, both in its highs and lows, in all forms. We encourage artists in all disciplines to submit works to "Fragility."
Here's more...
Any form and style of art is acceptable. • Work cannot exceed 10' x 8' x 8' (h x l x d). • All hung work must not exceed 50lbs, and must be READY TO HANG. • All freestanding works must support their weight and may not be attached to the floor.
All submission materials must be written in English. PRØVE Gallery will provide publicity, exhibition invitations, mailings, and an opening reception. We will not provide insurance for any works exhibited at PRØVE Gallery. PRØVE Gallery claims a 40% commission on all works sold while on display at PRØVE Gallery. All work is shown at the artist's own risk. All work shipped to PRØVE Gallery must be sent with return shipping or be picked up by the artist or an artist's representative.
Submission Guidelines:
Please email submissions to or send via mail with enclosed return postage to:
PRØVE Gallery
21 N Lake Avenue
Duluth, MN 55802
Please include the following:
• Artist Statement as a PDF, including a brief statement on each piece if needed. • Up to ten images or video of work for consideration in pdf, jpg, mov, or avi format.
• Submissions are due by 31 December. This is not a postmark date, but an arrive by date.
• Selected artists will be notified the end of the day on 2 January.
• Drop off dates are 3-5 January, from 3-7pm. All work shipped to the gallery must arrive no later than 9 January and include return postage.
• The opening reception for "Fragility" will be 11 January from 7-11pm.
• The show will run for two weeks and conclude on 26 January.
• Pick up will be 31 January through 2 February from 3-7pm.
Please direct any questions to Nickolas Monson,
Mission Statement: PRØVE Gallery is a cultural organization dedicated to the role of art exhibition as a conduit of powerful ideas and diverse viewpoints. Our mission is to foster a greater appreciated of the contemporary arts, to bridge cultures, create and expand community, and provide cultural exchange, networking opportunities, and education outreach through regular interaction with the contemporary arts. It is the goal of PRØVE Gallery to present monthly gallery shows, collaborate with like-minded arts organizations, and provide an arts retail environment.
From the Press Conference:
Ennyman: "Questions? Yes, you in the back."
Man with red tie: "Are you a member of the PRØVE Collective?"
Ennyman: "No, I am not."
Man with red tie: "Then why do you keep writing about it?"
Ennyman: "Well, because I have taken an interest in the energy displayed by these young artists and want to contribute in some way to their success."
Woman in black dress with blue scarf: "How's your new book project going?"
Ennyman: "I have several projects in the works. Are you interested in being a collaborator?"
Young man in front row: "Will you have any art in this week's show?"
Ennyman: "Actually, yes. I submitted a few paintings and three new drawings, ink on paper. The Under $100 show will be this Friday evening and you're all invited."
EdNote: The Press Conference transcript was a literary device designed to convey a few additional snippets of information and keep things interesting. Be well, friends.
1. Easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail.
2. Lacking physical or emotional strength; delicate.
3. Lacking substance; tenuous or flimsy: a fragile claim to fame.
It's amazing how fragile we are, and yet so resilient. You see this in nature as well. Despite the harshness of the elements, we find creatures living and reproducing in deserts and arctic regions, adapting to the most challenging conditions.
And yet... the strongest man in the world could stub his toe, get an infection and die if left untreated. Life is remarkably fragile.
Fragile is also the title of an album by the British band Yes which hit the scene when I was in college in the early 70's. The song Roundabout kicked off the opening track. What was especially distinctive about the album was its striking cover art, created by Roger Dean, which defined the look that accompanied their sound over the next several albums.
All this to say that PRØVE Gallery here in Duluth has announced an Open Call for submissions for the upcoming January show, "Fragility."
They describe the origins of their theme like this:
Winter is upon us, and this brings a certain kind of beauty, uncertainty, and fragility. From the snow on the ground, ice in the trees, the dry cold wind, to the mental strain that can only come from the reduced daylight; January is a time that highlights fragility in the Northland. PRØVE Gallery is dedicating this show to celebrating fragility, both in its highs and lows, in all forms. We encourage artists in all disciplines to submit works to "Fragility."
Here's more...
Any form and style of art is acceptable. • Work cannot exceed 10' x 8' x 8' (h x l x d). • All hung work must not exceed 50lbs, and must be READY TO HANG. • All freestanding works must support their weight and may not be attached to the floor.
All submission materials must be written in English. PRØVE Gallery will provide publicity, exhibition invitations, mailings, and an opening reception. We will not provide insurance for any works exhibited at PRØVE Gallery. PRØVE Gallery claims a 40% commission on all works sold while on display at PRØVE Gallery. All work is shown at the artist's own risk. All work shipped to PRØVE Gallery must be sent with return shipping or be picked up by the artist or an artist's representative.
Submission Guidelines:
Please email submissions to or send via mail with enclosed return postage to:
PRØVE Gallery
21 N Lake Avenue
Duluth, MN 55802
Please include the following:
• Artist Statement as a PDF, including a brief statement on each piece if needed. • Up to ten images or video of work for consideration in pdf, jpg, mov, or avi format.
• Submissions are due by 31 December. This is not a postmark date, but an arrive by date.
• Selected artists will be notified the end of the day on 2 January.
• Drop off dates are 3-5 January, from 3-7pm. All work shipped to the gallery must arrive no later than 9 January and include return postage.
• The opening reception for "Fragility" will be 11 January from 7-11pm.
• The show will run for two weeks and conclude on 26 January.
• Pick up will be 31 January through 2 February from 3-7pm.
Please direct any questions to Nickolas Monson,
Mission Statement: PRØVE Gallery is a cultural organization dedicated to the role of art exhibition as a conduit of powerful ideas and diverse viewpoints. Our mission is to foster a greater appreciated of the contemporary arts, to bridge cultures, create and expand community, and provide cultural exchange, networking opportunities, and education outreach through regular interaction with the contemporary arts. It is the goal of PRØVE Gallery to present monthly gallery shows, collaborate with like-minded arts organizations, and provide an arts retail environment.
From the Press Conference:
Ennyman: "Questions? Yes, you in the back."
Man with red tie: "Are you a member of the PRØVE Collective?"
Ennyman: "No, I am not."
Man with red tie: "Then why do you keep writing about it?"
Ennyman: "Well, because I have taken an interest in the energy displayed by these young artists and want to contribute in some way to their success."
Woman in black dress with blue scarf: "How's your new book project going?"
Ennyman: "I have several projects in the works. Are you interested in being a collaborator?"
Young man in front row: "Will you have any art in this week's show?"
Ennyman: "Actually, yes. I submitted a few paintings and three new drawings, ink on paper. The Under $100 show will be this Friday evening and you're all invited."
EdNote: The Press Conference transcript was a literary device designed to convey a few additional snippets of information and keep things interesting. Be well, friends.