All of a sudden, I'm 24 weeks pregnant

24 weeks pregnant, or V-day as some people call it.

V standing for viability.  At 24 weeks pregnant, the baby becomes at least 50% likely to survive if delivered at that time, with the odds increasing in baby's favor as more time passes.

24 weeks... meaning... in less than one month- more like 3 weeks- I will be in my third trimester with baby girl.

Where did the time go?!?

I know with little man's pregnancy, I analyzed every single little thing that happened.  Dh & I read books, we followed time lines, I looked at an iPhone pregnancy progress application probably 1-2 times per week.  We really enjoyed the seemingly slow progression of 9 months of pregnancy.

This time is completely different.  I think this is because of a combination of how much of a whirlwind the first trimester was- as we weren't even sure there would be a baby for portions of that time- as well as the fact that we have a toddler at home has made this process seem much, MUCH quicker.

At this point in little man's pregnancy, we were putting together furniture, setting up our nursery, enjoying baby showers with loving friends and family, and just beginning to feel outside kicks to where Dh could understand what I had been feeling on the inside.  I remember- I was also scared.  At this point in my pregnancy with little man, I remember thinking about just how little clue I had about what life held for us with a baby.  I mean, I understood the basics of having a child, but the unknowns were very confusing and scary for me.  Just how much would our lives change?  Would I love this baby like he deserved?  Would I be a good enough parent?  Would we ever sleep again?  

25 weeks pregnant with little man
Even if you're used to being around children, it is really, really difficult to understand the depth of the changes that are about to happen in your lives.  

This pregnancy is different, however.  I could not be more excited.  

Now I know what having a child does to change your life.  Regardless of all the ways it isn't as great (lack of sleep, less time to yourself, less money to yourself, etc.), it changes your life so incredibly much for the better.  Looking back now, it is hard to even imagine life without little man- and I really don't even want to have to ever think about that.  He has given us so much joy, love, and happiness, that I can only be so thankful for the coming of our second child.

In saying that, I really want this baby to stay in her happy little home in my belly as long as she needs, as long as it takes to grow and become healthy and ready for this big world. 
But, man, I am just so excited to meet her.

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