Thursday Song Share Link Up
I've always been a music person.
But not the kind you're thinking.
(*I'm acknowledging this right now... I was in the marching band. That shows just how cool I am!)
I'm not the kind that is super snobby about my music, who will only listen to certain types of music. I actually had someone say to me once, "Oh, you know ___ band? I hate when other people like my bands." I'm, um, not that person. I listen to the radio, like some pop music, will slightly dip my toes into pop country before I run away with my hands over my ears, and have also been known in my day to listen to rap and hard rock. I don't typically discriminate, so long as it's good. And, by good, I mean it strikes a chord with me personally and I like it, not that a music critic likes it.
Lately, I've been in sort of a rut.
My musical selections have been the toddler station or the Jewel children's music stations on Pandora, or whatever is on the radio currently. To be totally honest, I'm not a huge fan of One Direction or hearing 4 different versions of Monkeys Jumping on the Bed in an hour.
So, let's link up.
Every Thursday, I will post a song share link-up. I will post a song that I really like, and try to either link it into my post or have a Youtube video or the links in my post so you can hear it right from my page.
Then, it's your turn. You write your own post after picking a song you've really liked recently, and then come here and link up by clicking the "add your link" tab below. You can then add in your blog post with a picture tab displayed on my page so that my readers can click, head on over to your blog, and check out your songs. It can be any kind of song, as I said, I need some new material!
As this is the first link-up, we'll work our way through and I'll try to address any technical issues as we go. If all goes well, I'll try to post a link-up each week!
So, here I go with my first song share. This one is called Kick Drum Heart by the Avett Brothers. I've been listening to this in the mornings on the way to work, trying to psych myself up for the day :) My favorite quote from this song is, "It's not the chase that I love, its me following you."
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